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As she opened her eyes the sunlight already filled the room which motivated her to get up. She opened the curtains to let it in entirely.
Her hotel room was light and quite big - it was supposed to be a special day so of course she booked one of the best rooms available.
She was about to meet her favorite actor today - Mr Robert Patrick Benedict.
She felt her heart beating faster by the thought of actually standing in front of him in just a few hours.
She got ready, got her breakfast and went to the photo op room.
While she waited in line there was music playing. She heard a few pop songs she knew, a couple of new ones, some oldies... It was a good choice. The person choosing the songs for sure had taste.
As she went further in the queue - and therefore also closer to Rob - her heart beat faster and faster. He was so close!
As she walked towards him a new song started playing.
Angel by Aerosmith.
She smiled. She loved the song.
„It's from my favorite Aerosmith album.", Rob told her as she stood in front of him. He must have seen the smile on my face. „Permanent Vacation is the best."
She nodded her head.
„Yes, it is.", she told him, „It's also my favorite song by Aerosmith."
Rob smiled back at her.
„It's also mine."
Just now she realized how blue his eyes were. She always knew they had the color of the ocean but now as she actually saw her idol in person, she couldn't stop staring right into them. They were not only clear and blue, they were... home. They made her feel safe.
„So what do we do?", Rob asked and smiled widely, one hand rested on her back.
She just stared at him. What was he talking about?
„Sorry...", she apologized, „I got... lost in your eyes."
She felt her cheeks burning red. She didn't want to say the last part. It just accidentally slipped out of her mouth.
Rob blushed as well.
„Sorry.", she said again.
A pause.
„We can just... hug each other?", she now asked. She had a pose in mind but didn't want to say it now because the situation was already awkward enough.
And still she couldn't stop looking at him.
And just now - as the photographer reminded them to get in position for the photo - she realized he stared into her eyes as well.
Apparently he saw something in her eyes, too.
„I think we have to... uhm... wrap our arms around each other.", she tried to get control over the situation.
It worked. They gave each other a long, comforting hug. And again, she felt safe.
How was it possible for someone she never met to make her feel so warm?
After the photo was taken, she thanked him and went away but he stopped her.
„Do you like drinks?", Rob asked and she laughed. What a great question.
„I think I do.", she chuckled.
„There's a bar down the road... 'The Moon'.", he said, „We can go there later."
She smiled widely.
„I would love to.", she said.
He nodded his head to confirm the plan.
„Until then, Cassandra."

Separated || Chuck (Supernatural) FFWhere stories live. Discover now