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Everything turned black for Cassandra. It was almost like she couldn't open her eyes. As if she was dreaming but couldn't see what. As if she was dead.
But she wasn't.
There was a light. What if she moved towards it?
She couldn't. She was defenseless. All she could do was wait for what might happen next. She was unable to change it.
Darkness was all she saw. All she felt.
Until it turned into light.
„Can you hear me?", a concerned voice awoke Cassandra from her dream. She laid on a bed in the bunker, her head still hurting. She saw Sam sitting on the edge of her bed, looking at her.
She slowly nodded her head. Not a good idea. It just made it hurt more.
„You're home.", Sam said and gave Cassandra a weak smile. „It will be okay."
Cassandra tried to smile back. She didn't know what happened, didn't know what exactly will be okay.
„Thank you.", she mumbled anyways.
Castiel, Brandon and Dean entered the room, looking concerned as well.
„Ah there she is!", Dean exclaimed, sounding kind of excited to see Cassandra awake and as good as can be expected under the circumstances. „Took you a while to wake up."
Okay, you need to remember things., Cassandra thought and tried to put together the pieces of memory that slowly returned back to her. The last thing she could thing of was Chuck and how he snapped his finger. But she had no idea how she ended up in the bunker. Did Chuck bring her here? But why? The moment he snapped his fingers she was sure he was going to kill her. Apparently he didn't so that couldn't be it. Or could it? Was this what her death would look like? If so it was way more peaceful than she thought it would be.
Of course her head hurt like hell but at least she was surrounded by the people closest to her. Could be worse.
Cassandra smiled at Dean. „Sorry."
She even laughed a bit, not knowing if the Winchesters put her on meds that caused her to be in a good mood or if it were her actual feelings. Or hallucinations in case she were dead. But there was no way she could be. She was sure she would end up in hell when the day came she would pass away. That for sure couldn't be it.
Sam gently squeezed her hand.
„Good news first or bad news?"
„Well, I would love some good news only.", she said and chuckled, „But I'm not even surprised a bad one is there as well."
There were always bad news.
„Good news is all you got was a concussion. You should be as good as new in just a couple of days.", Sam updated her. Alright, a concussion. That's what Chuck gave her???, „The bad news is for some reason Cas couldn't heal you and we have no idea how we ended up in the bunker. We thought Castiel got us here but-"
And that was the moment it popped back into her head.
„Chuck.", Cassandra said and everyone breathed in sharply. He teleported her here. The concussion was from the Wendigo.
„What?", Brandon asked, surprised. He leaned against the wall of the room but as he heard the news he stood as straight as a stick.
„He saved me from the Wendigo, I insulted him and he snapped his fingers. And now I woke up here." Cassandra sat up on the bed. „We have to stop him."
Sam sighed.
„If it only was this easy."
He was right. They had no idea how to stop him or how to even find him. The only times they had any chance to meet him was when he decided to show up. They couldn't call for him, couldn't trap him somehow. There was no spell or anything that would help them out.
„Why did he save you though?", Brandon asked fraught. Because of the story.
„He wants me to burn down in one of the fires. Just like my mom."
She felt tears in her eyes.
„Cas, look, there is no way we let that happen.", Sam assured her, „We will do everything we can do to save you from that."
„He is Chuck. If he wants it to happen, it will happen.", Cassandra said and exhaled. They were defenceless.
„We need a plan.", Castiel said and walked up and down the room. That was right but there wasn't any base to build something as a plan on.
„I sacrifice myself.", Cassandra offered and everyone stared at her. They couldn't believe what they just heard.
„No, you don't.", Dean forbid her resolutely.
„It's the only way.", Cassandra said, „If that's what he really wants I will go outside, he lets me burn and the fires will stop."
That was a plan that would work. Plus it would save her friends and everyone she loved.
Everyone shook their heads.
„It will save the world.", Cassandra said, „What is my life compared to all the lives that might pass just because he is going cray cray?"
Sam and Dean looked at each other. There was no way they could let this happen. They would rather sacrifice themselves than to let anyone else give up their life.
„Or we trap him.", Brandon suddenly threw in.
„How?", Dean asked. As said before there was no spell or anything. Chuck had to decide to show up by himself.
„We do it as Cassandra suggested: We go in a forest until Chuck shows up to kill her. Then we catch him."
Cassandra sighed.
„We can't catch him. That's impossible."
Chuck was immune to any kind of magic, he did not have any weak spots or something like that to build on except for...
„He wants love, right?", Sam realized, „That's all he ever wanted: A family. That's how we stopped him the last time."
„Yeah.", Brandon approved. That's how they got him the last time. They reunited him with his sister Amara and he actually left for a while. Family was everything for him. But how was this going to help them?
„We give him that.", Sam continued explaining his plan, „We tell him we will be there for him."
„He won't believe us.", Dean said.
„Maybe.", Sam admitted, „But maybe he will."
They had to try.

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