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„You let him go???", Dean asked in the bunker. He couldn't believe what he just heard. „He is the devil! You should have left him in there!"
„I couldn't.", Cassandra defended herself. „He wasn't too mad yet. If we would have left him there he would have killed us all."
Also they got the information they needed. They now knew who was responsible for the fires - or at least they knew where to look.
„But maybe we could have found a way to end him."
Sam shook his head and played with the label of his beer bottle.
„We couldn't."
Dean looked at his brother. How could he stab him in the back like that?
„He is Lucifer, Dean. We tried to end him so many times, it never worked out."
„Maybe it would have this time."
Dean himself didn't believe what he said but he was disappointed at the fact Brandon and Cassandra let such a huge chance slip out of their hands.
„I don't think we could have done him any harm, not even a scratch.", Brandon said and everyone looked at him. „At least we now know who is responsible for this chaos."
The chaos were several fires all over the world in the past weeks. The world was literally burning. Especially warmer areas like California - the home state of Cassandra and Brandon - were literally in flames. Cassandra lost her mom in the fires.
At first she just thought it was bad luck - bush fires truly aren't too uncommon in California - but as she spotted way more supernatural creatures out there than usual she started to feel wary and called her old hunting partner Brandon. They both quit hunting a couple of years ago since they were both longing for a normal life but he was the only one she knew she could call. And that's how they ended up in Kansas, now teaming up with Sam and Dean Winchester because they heard these two brothers apparently were the best hunters around.
„And how do we get to him? Chuck doesn't really listen to prayers.", Dean stated and looked at the neck of his bottle, moving his index finger over the edge.
„Who says I don't listen?", a light, male voice suddenly asked. Chuck.
Cassandra turned around on her chair, staring right into his light blue eyes.
„Oh my-"
„No! Please don't!", Chuck stopped her with the wave of his hand, „I'm sick of hearing the G-word."
He rolled his eyes and walked closer to the table.
„Just... don't say it."
He took a seat right next to Dean, who cringed just a tiny, impalpable bit, and looked across the room.
„Where is your angel friend?"
Dean looked at him in confusion. What angel friend?
„Castiel.", Chuck explained.
„Looking for you.", Sam replied, „We sent him to heaven to see if he can find you there but I assume he won't be successful."
„You seem to have a good gut feeling, Sam.", Chuck chuckled and leaned back in his chair. He laid his feet on the table. „Guess I have some explaining to do, huh?"

So Chuck talked and told them what he destroyed, how many lives he already took. He seemed to be proud while the rest of them was full of sadness and disgust.
Chuck took innocent lives just because he wanted to.
„... and the crying children... It was kinda satisfying, you know. Always fascinating how loud their little mouths can already scream."
Dean almost choked. He couldn't believe how cold-hearted and bitter Chuck spoke.
„So you kill all these innocent people for your entertainment?"
„Innocent?", Chuck laughed, „The whole human race is a race full of sinners."
„And it's your fault. You made us this way.", Dean countered. He bit his tongue to not scream. He hated Chuck with all of his being.
„I didn't. I gave you free will. And look how you waste it."
He stood up from his chair and went behind Cassandra.
„I made you all so beautiful." He took a strand of her hair and played with it in his hands. „Look at her curly, blonde hair and her pretty face. So beautiful. And still full of sins."
He let her hair fall back and walked behind Sam.
„You have pretty hair, too, but I won't touch it, don't worry."
He crouched down and laid his chin on Sam's shoulder.
„You're the worst, Sam. You let the divil inside you once. The devil, Sam. What did it feel like? ... Oh wait, no! I don't want to know."
He knew this was one of Sam's weak spots and his word hit right in it.
„Why are you like that?", Cassandra asked with tears in her eyes. „You are supposed to love us, not hate and kill us!"
Chuck stood up as well, now facing Cassandra, looking her right into her eyes.
„I loved you all for way too long."
Then he disappeared.

Sam stood up and left the room to go into his own man cave. He needed to be alone. That he once let Lucifer take control over his body was the worst mistake he has ever done. Being reminded of it felt like a knife stabbed right into his heart. Cassandra followed him.
„He is an asshole.", she said and sat on Sam's bed. „A very powerful one but still an asshole."
„But he is right.", Sam said and sat next to Cassandra, „I am a sinner. Of the worst kind. I let the worst being take control over me. I was him. Who says a part of me still isn't controlled by him?"
He looked into her blue eyes. Tears filled his.
„Say it, Cassandra!", he yelled, „Tell me what a waste I am!!"
He really seemed to believe he was a failure while he actually did it all to save people. To Cassandra that only showed what a good heart he had. He wasn't a bad human being at all.
„You're not.", she said quietly.
„I said: You're not.", She wiped the tears out of Sam's eyes, „You're not a waste, Sam. Look at all the lives you have saved. And you will save a lot more."
„How?", he asked, „This thing is out of control. We are too weak. There is no way we can beat Chuck."
Cassandra looked down on the floor. Sam was right. Chuck was the most powerful being in this universe, they couldn't beat him. They couldn't even tie him somewhere or even talk to him. He just appeared when he felt like it and most of the time didn't even bother to show up. He played with this world, just like he wanted to. He made it a show.

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