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Paulo was stuck in the maze, so confused about where to go "Fck! I need to get out!". He tries to get into the bushes but instead getting more loss, getting scared of what may happen next..Paulo casts a spell which he doesn't believe
"te Necesito Aqui..? d-did I pronounce that right?"
Paulo mumbled to himself
"Ackk! my wound keeps bleeding, tsk!"
He holds his arm as he hissed in pain, He fainted luckily an Angel caught him before he falls to the floor
"You pronounced it right.."
He hears what the angel said but still cannot open his eyes because of being weak and tired
"Keep sleeping, Paulo"
The angel whispered.
T-that voice, it seems so sweet and soft..h-have I heard this voice somewhere?
the Spell that Savion gave me worked! An angel came to save me, is this my Guardian Angel?! I feel safe as I'm in its arms

"PAULO?! PAULO?! PLEASE WAKE UP" His parents shouted in fear as he was sent to an ambulance
"Please....God, let my son heal from his wounds, and I wish him to be okay.."
Paulo's Mom prayed as her husband hugs her
"Denise, what is that?"
Mark the eldest asked his younger sister
"Kuya, I found a white feather!!!"
Denise showed his brother.


"You know, it's wrong to show up to a human just like that! why did you do it?!"
"But, He needs help, and He is MY human recipient! I can't just do nothing!"
The other guy sighed deeply as the person shouted back
"why did I even agree to guide you on being a guardian.."
"You became a human just like me, ACCIDENTALLY"
"Tsk, I should've listened to the Archangels"
"I'll be going, you should go back to your human(recipient) also"

What if you're my Human recipient? would you believe me?

- Archangels = supernatural archangels who sit at the top of the angel domain and command a large group of these divine beings
- te necesito aqui = is a spanish word for "I need you here"

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin."  Zechariah 4:10

Stell Ajero as Savion Vale Aragon

Pablo Nase as Paulo Natividad

Ken Suson as Kenrick Silverio

Josh Santos as Jairo Suarez

Justin de Dios as Jayce Dionisio

M-my Guardian Angel?! [StellJun AU]Where stories live. Discover now