Eyes 🤍

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It seemed like the Strike had been put on hold after Crutchie was arrested.

Race was holding a wet towel to his bruised eye and holding his cut up arm.
All the newsies were in bad shape from the brawl in The World. As soon as those Bulls showed up they knew they was done for.

Jack was gone, Crutchie was gone.. On the bright side they made front page of the pape. It was a grand moment and Race had to admit he was thrilled. However as soon as it ended, the depression came back. He was missing two of this brothers. One in jail, and one who could be anywhere.

Missing in Action.

Race scoffed, pulling the unlit cigar from his lips. Starting to roll it between his fingers.

They were having a city wide meeting with Newsies from every neighborhood. Only thing is, everyone was onboard if Brooklyn would be there. Which everyone was still in the dark about.

Race turned to the mirror and glanced at himself. His colorless eyes stared back at him.

That was another thing Race thought of constantly. His soulmate. He's been told by some of the other newsies, that when you find them, you can see the color of their eyes.

Race has been told his eyes were blue, but he has yet to see for himself. For all he knows, they could be fucking with him.

"How's that eye holding up Racetrack?" Specs asked, taking a seat beside him.
The taller boy shrugged.

"Hurts that's for sure. Hey I's was thinkin', let's go back to Brooklyn to see's if they're on board or not? I think it's the next step."

Specs chuckled and stood.

"If youse want to go, go ahead, I ain't leaving the rest of the boys. I'll tell em for ya Racer."

"Thanks Specs, see youse later ya?"

With a confirmed nod, Race jumped to his feet and walked out of the lodging house.

By the time he made arrived, the sun was starting to set. Moving fast, Race made his way towards another newsie.

"I'm from Manhattan.. I'm looking for Spot?" The older boy nodded and gestured him to follow.

"Yo Spot! Got another Manhattan Newsie here. Wants to talk to you bout somethin'." The boy called, leaving the room soon after.

"I don' allow smoking in 'ere pal, so I suggest you either put it out or leave."

"Yeah? Well I's don't take orders from anyone but Ja-" Race rambled, turning to face the other boy. He let out a gasp as chocolate brown eyes locked onto him.


"Sit down and tell me why another Manhattan is on my turf." Spot said, sitting in one of the chairs. Race followed quickly, unable to look away from the shorter boy.

"U-Umm the Strike we- we need Brooklyn to be there since you're the-" Spot cut him off.

"I know that. We's decided last night we'd come." Race looked taken aback.

"O-Oh well in that case.." Racer always knew what to say, but his mind had shut down on itself. Quickly standing up, he turned towards the door, mumbling a thankyou.

"You sit back down Race, we still need to talk about more.. personal matters."

Race breathed in deeply and took back his chair.

"What color are they?"

"Huh?" Race questioned, Spot rolled his eyes.

"My eyes, what color are they?"

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