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I woke up to a text. I got up and got ready quickly. Blake hadn't mentioned what his video included, so I dressed comfortably in leggings and one of my newly released crewnecks from my merch line. When I went downstairs, my mom wasn't up yet, so I quickly scrawled an explanatory note, leaving it on the coffee maker where I knew that she would see it. 
The Sway house was in a neighborhood that I was familiar with, so I didn't have any trouble finding it. I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for someone to answer it. 

"Um, can I help you?" Noah Beck said, opening the door. 
"I'm here for Blake," I replied. 
"You and Blake? Didn't see that one coming. Blake! You've got company!" Noah said, leaving the door open and walking through the house. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me.
"Hey, Tiff! You're just in time! Josh is usually my co-host for F-Boy kitchen, but he disappeared, and Noah is my guest, or I would ask him."
I chuckled. "You want me to be your co-host?"
Blake nodded. "We're making mac and cheese today. You get to be the judge."
I cringed at the idea of eating anything that Blake or Noah was making, but I agreed reluctantly. 

I watched as Blake filmed his intro. "We've got a new co-host today, everyone. Please welcome Tiffany Wilde!" 
I walked into the frame, giving a small wave before sitting at a stool. Blake continued on, introducing Noah, and explaining that they would be making macaroni and cheese. 
I was genuinely afraid to try the food that they were making. They were using boxes but watching the way they weren't following the steps was giving me anxiety. 
"Um, Blake, there is no way that those noodles are done cooking," I said, watching nervously as he turned off the heat and went to strain his noodles after three minutes. 
Blake laughed. "I'm pretty sure that I'm making noodles correctly on my own show."
I nodded skeptically. "Okay, go ahead and eat one then."
Blake fished a noodle out of the pot, sticking it in his mouth. Based on the look on his face as he crunched into the noodle, I was right. "Alright, we're gonna cook those some more," he said, turning to face his videographer. 

I laughed at that. "Thought they were done, Blakey Bear?" I said, taking the opportunity to listen to Sean's advice. 
"Oh, I see how it is, Tiff. We're supposed to be on the same side here," he joked, wrapping an arm around me. 
Noah objected. "Bloah for life, man. Bloah for life."
Blake chuckled, letting go of me and heading back to the stove, where he was already convinced that they were really done this time. 
I held my hands up in surrender. "Just remember that I'm the judge. Undercooked noodles are not going to work in your favor."

I watched as Blake questioned Noah on some of the recent drama that he had been involved with, which was kind of contradictory to his 'unproblematic' agenda. I really hoped that I wasn't falling for Blake, but based on the way he was making me feel at this moment, I probably was. 
They rushed to finish up, and I was so anxious as I watched them struggle through the instructions. 
Blake didn't even bother putting it in a bowl, handing me the entire pan with the wooden spoon still in it. Noah had that going for him at least. 
I picked up the spoon in Blake's, stirring it curiously. "Um, so just looking at it, you definitely should've measured the milk." Blake looked offended. I took a small spoonful out of the pot, looking at it cautiously before taking a bite. "Wait, this isn't as bad as I thought that it was gonna be. It's a little liquidy, but it's not awful."
"I'll take that as a win," Blake said, chuckling. 
I picked up a spoonful of Noah's, glad that it looked like it was the right consistency. "I would be scared, but I don't know if this can be worse than Blake's," I laughed. Blake looked offended again, but he kept quiet. 

"Okay, so, there's a lot to unpack here," I said, setting down the spoon. "They both suck."
Noah and Blake both laughed. "Which sucks less though?" Noah asked. 
"Sorry, Blakey Bear, Noah's sucks less."
"If I could win just one time on my own show, that would be great," Blake said, throwing his hands up in defeat.
When his videographer gave him the all-clear, Blake thanked me. "Do you want to go get lunch or something?"
I nodded. "Sure, why not?"

Blake went upstairs to change, leaving Noah and me alone in the kitchen. "So, what's the deal with you and Blake?" 
Sean had mentioned that we shouldn't tell anyone that it wasn't real to ensure that no one accidentally let it slip, so I shrugged. "We're just hanging out."
Noah laughed. "Yeah, I bet. Blake doesn't just hang out with anyone."
I felt my face flush. "Okay, Mr. Beck. I'm going to wait outside for Blake."

I sat on their front steps, and I felt Blake sit down next to me. "What happened in there?" he asked.
I shook my head. "Nothing. I just have strong feelings about your friends and sitting in there with him was getting rough." 
Blake laughed. "He made a joke about us hanging out, didn't he?"
My face flushed again. "How did you know that?"
"He did it to Amelie the first time that he met her, too. Don't let him stress you out."

We got in the car and headed to one of his favorite restaurants. He got out of the car and came around to my side of the car, opening the door for me and extending a hand to help me out. I saw Fletcher behind him, and I whispered a warning to Blake. 
"Hey, guys. Out together again so soon?" Fletcher asked, approaching us. 
"Yes, sir," Blake replied, closing the car door behind me. "We're like brand new besties."

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now