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"Tiffany! You need to get up!" my mom called up the stairs. 
I felt Blake's arms around me, and the memories of our date from the night before came flooding back. "Blake, wake up," I said, shaking him gently and getting up from the bed. 
"Good morning, honey. I see that Blake is here. Anything you want to tell me?" Mom asked, putting a cup of coffee down on the table in front of me.
I shrugged. "It's nothing. We had a lot of fun at the movie last night, and he was exhausted when we got back here, so I offered to let him stay here."

"Speak of the devil," Mom mumbled, motioning towards the stairs. "Good morning, Blake. Can I get you any coffee?"
Blake nodded. "Yes, please, Mrs. Wilde. Black."
She set a mug down in front of him. "I was just about to make some pancakes. Are you two interested?" Blake and I shared a look, nodding. "Did you guys have fun last night?"
Blake's face flushed red. "The movie was great," he stammered. 
I chuckled. "Blake, chill. It's fine. She already asked me about it, and I explained."
Blake let out a sigh of relief. "I was worried for a second. I don't want to anger the 'rents already."

My mom laughed as she mixed the ingredients in a bowl. "You seem like such a gentleman, Blake, so I don't think that we could truly be angered by you."
"Speak for yourself, Crystal," my dad said, sitting down opposite Blake. 
"John," she warned. "He's a nice kid. Calm down."
Blake laughed uncomfortably. "Good morning, sir."
My dad nodded. "Dad, everything is fine," I said. 

My mom set a plate of pancakes on the table. "Eat up, kids." I grabbed a pancake, patting Blake's knee under the table.
"Do you want to come to Sway today?" Blake said, cutting into his pancake. 
I nodded. "I haven't really met any of your friends, so that could be fun."
Dad sighed. "You just do whatever you want now?"
I shook my head. "I'm an adult, Dad. I can hang out with my friends."
"John! I know that you think that you're protecting her, but you're just giving her the impression that we don't trust her," Mom said, throwing her hands up in frustration. 
"I'm gonna go get dressed, and we're gonna go. Thanks for making this awkward, Dad."

I threw on a crop top and joggers, running back down the stairs. "Let's go, Blake."
"Goodbye, Mr., and Mrs. Wilde. It was nice to see you again," he said, standing up from the table. 
We walked outside, getting into his car. "What happened when I went upstairs?"
"Your dad stared at me. No one said a word," he replied, backing out of the driveway. 
I laughed. "You're kidding? Why am I not surprised?"

We pulled into Sway's driveway, and I felt my palms begin to sweat. "Blake, what if your friends don't like me?"
Blake wrapped an arm around me. "They'll love you. Don't worry."
We walked up to the door, and he opened it, calling out. "Hey, guys! I'm home!"
I recognized Addison in the kitchen. "Addison? Long time, no see," I said, greeting her with a hug. 
"Hey, girl! I knew that you were hanging out with Blake, but I didn't realize that it was, like, serious," she replied.
I shrugged. "You know how social media gets. One day, this kid is someone that I lost touch with after fourth grade, and the next, I'm hanging out in his content house."
She laughed. "You've met Bryce, right?"
I nodded, chuckling softly. "Yeah, we met when I left the house yesterday morning."
"Wait, you're having sleepovers already?"
"We don't talk about it," I chuckled. 

A tall guy walked into the kitchen. Tattoos lined his arm, and I couldn't help but admire them. 
"Tiffany, right? I'm Jaden," he said, extending his hand.
"I am. It's nice to meet you. I really like your tattoos," I replied, shaking his hand.
"Thanks. Do you have any?" 
I shook my head. "I don't know what I would get. I've never seen anything that I was like 'I need that on my body forever,' you know?"
Jaden nodded. "I get it. Let me know if you ever want one. We can go together."

Blake came back into the kitchen. "I see that you've met Jaden. Ready to meet the rest of the boys?" I took a deep breath before nodding. Blake took me up the stairs, knocking on the door next to his own. "Hey, Bryce? You have a second?" The door swung open.
"What's up, man?" Bryce said. 
"I just wanted you to meet Tiffany," he said, gesturing to me. 
Bryce looked me up and down. "We met when she left yesterday," he said. "Addison here yet?"
I nodded, and Blake looked confused. "You didn't tell me that you met him."
I shrugged. "I didn't know that you were taking me to meet him."

I recognized Noah, waving at him as we passed him in the living room. We stopped in front of two boys that I recognized as Kio and Quinton. 
"Boys, this is Tiffany. Tiffany, this is Kio and Quinton."
I shook their hands. "It's nice to meet you both."
Another guy sat in the corner on the phone. "That's Josh," Blake said, pointing to him. "Anthony isn't here right now, and Griffin is coming over in like an hour."
I wasn't sure how far our relationship was going to go, but for now, I was going to try to make a really good impression on his friends.

We went back into the kitchen, where Bryce had joined Addison. "Hey," Bryce began, "do you guys want to get dinner with us tomorrow night?"
I didn't look at Blake for confirmation. "Sure, that would be really nice."
I felt Blake's hand on my waist, and I knew that I had made the right decision. 
Jaden came back in the kitchen and began telling Bryce about the new tattoo he would be getting. "Wait, Jaden, can I take you up on your tattoo offer? I think it could be fun."
Jaden nodded. "Absolutely. I'm going this weekend if you want to pick a design. I'll get your number from Blake, and I'll text you the details."

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now