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When I walked out of Sean's office, I saw Blake waiting. "Did you come here to see me?"
Blake shook his head. "I got an angry phone call this morning, telling me to be here as soon as possible."
"Oh, it's probably about me. I'm sorry."
Blake shrugged. "I don't even know what happened."
So he hasn't seen the interview yet. "I walked home last night."
"You did what? I would've gotten you an Uber," Blake said angrily. "I thought that Nessa was going to take you home since you were talking to her."

Sean's voice interrupted our conversation. "Mr. Gray! Let's go, please!"
Blake looked up and wordlessly walked into Sean's office.
"Trouble in paradise?" Lindsey asked, smacking her gum.
"Something like that," I replied, walking over to her desk and leaning against it. "Do you think that I'm in deep shit, Lindsey?"
Lindsey sighed. "It may seem like I'm just the receptionist, but Sean also has me going through to see what every single one of his clients is doing. I saw that interview, Tiffany. Sean can spin that any way that he wants to, but the underage drinking is what's confusing him. It's so out of character for you."
"Lindsey, you have to know that I just got carried away. We were playing a game, and someone brought up Tucker."
Lindsey didn't give me the chance to continue. "I don't really care, Tiffany. I know that you've got an apology to write, and only a few hours to do it, so you should probably go get started on that. It was nice to see you." She turned to the phone, dialing numbers.

I went outside, and I was stopped by a few fans. "We saw Tucker leaving here earlier. Do you guys have the same manager?" one asked.
I ignored the question, asking if any of them wanted to take some pictures with me. The subject of Tucker was dropped, and I took a few photos and made a couple of TikToks with them. After about ten minutes, I excused myself, getting into my car.
As I pulled into LA traffic, I couldn't help but think about the mess that I had gotten myself into. I turned into my driveway, and my mom was waiting on the front porch.

"Hey, sweetie. How did it go with Sean?"
"Well," I sighed, "I have to write an apology and get it to him for approval before five."
She chuckled softly. When I didn't laugh, her face got serious. "You're not joking, okay. Let me know if you need any help, I guess."
I walked past her and went up the stairs to my room. I avoided my dad's gaze as I passed him in the living room. I had no idea how much he knew, but I was not ready to talk to him about it.

My phone rang as I sat down at my desk. Without looking at the Caller ID, I answered.
"Hello, Tiffany Wilde."
"Hey, girl! It's Addison!"
Thank God. "Hey, Addison. What's up?"
"Blake just got back to Sway, and he said that your manager is making you write an apology. That sucks. If you need anything, let me know!"
"Thanks," I sighed. "I messed up, so it's only right if I apologize for it."
"Are we still on for dinner tonight?"
Shit. "Yeah, that's fine. Just let me know what time, and I'll meet you guys there."
We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone.

"Alright, Tiff, think," I muttered to myself. "'I want to apologize for the behaviors that I engaged in last night.' Okay, that's a good start. 'I got caught up in the heat of a moment, and I made decisions that I am not proud of. No one was ever meant to see me in that state, but my clouded judgment proved to be an issue in this matter.'"
My mom walked into the room. "Good start, Tiff. What else do you have?"
"'I would also like to extend an apology to Fletcher from Hollywood Fix, as well as any fans that I may have encountered last night. My behavior was unprofessional and inexcusable, and I hope that I can be forgiven.'"
"Okay, that's good. Do you think that Sean will agree?" she asked, sitting down on my bed.
"I don't know. He was pretty mad this morning. He even called Blake in to yell at him. And get this: Tucker and Amelie, Blake's ex, just switched managers, so I ran into them this morning."
Mom laughed. "Are they together now? Is it like a ploy to get back at the two of you?"
For some reason, I hadn't really considered that, but it made sense. Blake and Amelie's breakup hadn't been mutual, and according to him, she was practically always begging for him back. "I don't know, Mom. It all happened so fast. Everything just keeps happening so fast. I feel like just yesterday, I didn't have any of this to worry about, and now I'm stuck in the middle of the only controversy that I've ever been involved in."
She crossed the room to hug me. "Send Sean your apology, and get ready for your little double date. Everything is going to be just fine."

I sent Sean the draft of my apology and got started on my makeup. I wanted something simple, so I stuck with just a little eyeliner and some mascara. I decided to wear the jeans that I already had on, pairing them with a striped crop top. I ordered an Uber and went downstairs to say goodbye to my parents.
"I want you to come home immediately after you're done," my dad said. "We have a lot to talk about." I nodded and headed out the front door.

As the Uber dropped me off at Saddle Ranch, Fletcher approached me. "Are you here with Bryce, Addison, and Blake?" he asked.
I nodded. "I take it that that means that they're here already?"
I talked with Fletcher for a few more minutes before excusing myself to walk inside of the restaurant. I don't know what I expected to see, but Blake kissing Amelie was not it.

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now