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-9 months later-

I looked up at Blake, and he smiled at me. He was holding our son, and I had never been so happy. The last nine months had been trying for us, between Amelie and Tucker, and my parents, and all of the hate on social media.
There was a soft knock on the door frame. "Can we come in?" Addison asked, holding Bryce's hand. Blake turned to face them, nodding.
"What's his name?" Bryce asked as Blake handed the baby to him.
"Benjamin Robert Gray," I replied, smiling at how tenderly Bryce held him. When they were ready, he and Addison were going to be great parents.
Blake wrapped an arm around me as we watched Bryce and Addison admire him.

"When are you guys gonna have one of those?" Blake asked, sitting down in the chair next to the hospital bed.
Addison's face turned a ghostly shade of white. "I am nowhere near ready for that kind of responsibility. I have enough on my plate making sure that Bryce keepts himself out of trouble."
Bryce protested quietly. "I can keep myself out of trouble. Thank you very much," he said, handing Benjamin back to me.

"Have you talked to your parents?" Addison asked, sitting down on another chair in the room.
"My mom said that she would be coming soon, but she's trying to convince my dad to come, too. Ronnie's plane should be landing within the hour."
I could sense the tension in the room when I brought up my dad. He had made a trip to the Sway house a few months ago, and he had made it very clear that not only did he not support me and Blake, he also didn't support the support that our friends were giving us. It broke my heart that my biggest hero wanted nothing to do with me, but you win some, you lose some, right?

There was another knock on the door. This time, I was shocked at who I saw. "Dad? Where's Mom?"
Blake, Bryce, and Addison excused themselves, leaving me and my dad alone in the room. "Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked, avoiding my question.
"A boy. Don't avoid my question. Does Mom know you're here, and if so, where is she?"
"Your mother asked me to pick up a card for you while she showered. I got there, and it occurred to me that I didn't know what card to get. I didn't know if I had a grandson or a granddaughter."
The look on his face pained me. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely sorry for the way things had gone down, or if he was just covering his tracks to appease my mom.
"I missed you, Dad," I whispered, my voice catching in the back of my throat. "Would you like to hold your grandson?"
Surprise flashed across his face. "Are you sure?" I nodded, and he crossed the room slowly, taking Benjamin from me gently. "What's his name?"
"Benjamin Robert," I whispered, still shocked at the fact that my dad and I were in the same room, and we weren't fighting.
"Hi, Benjamin. I'm your grandpa John. You look just like your mommy," he whispered, holding Benjamin's little hand. "Tiffany, I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

My phone rang on the nightstand next to the bed. "It's Mom. Hello?"
"Hey, sweetie. Your dad is picking up a card right now, and when he gets back, I'll be headed up there. I'll try to convince him to come, but I'm not sure how well that will go over."
"Mom, just come to the hospital. Don't worry about a card. There's a better surprise here for you," I chuckled softly before hanging up.
"You know that she's probably going to have a heart attack, right?" Dad asked, sitting in the chair that Blake had vacated.
"I hope not. I got one parent back today, and I'm not trying to lose the other one."
We shared a laugh, and my dad looked at me again. "I missed you, Tiffany. I let my own stupid ideas get in the way of our relationship. I will always support you, and I'm sorry that I haven't these last few months."

We sat in silence for a few moments before Blake came back into the room with my mom in tow. "John?" she gasped. "You came?"
Dad nodded. "You were right. I was being stupid and selfish. No more. Life is way too short for all of that, Crystal. I should have listened to you."
They shared a loving glance before Dad stood up, placing the baby in Mom's arms. "This is Benjamin Robert, our grandson."
Mom sighed happily. "He's adorable. You did so well, baby," she said, looking up at me.

There was another knock on the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt," the nurse said, "but I have a delivery for Tiffany Wilde and Blake Gray."
Blake took the flowers from her, thanking her in the process. He set the flowers down on the table, handing me the card.
"'I told you that I would take care of it all. Congratulations, kiddo. Love, Sean.' Aww, that's so sweet," I said, reading the card out loud.
Another knock on the door brought in Jaden and Mads. "Hey, guys. Congrats," Jaden said, hugging Blake and me. "We brought a gift. It's from everyone."

I motioned for Blake to open it, and he pulled out a stack of onesies. The first read 'you can't scare me, my mom is obsessed with Blake Gray.' "That's clever," I laughed.
"That's not even the best one," Jaden said, laughing.
The next featured a sonogram photo, and it read 'TikTok famous since the womb.'
Jaden was clearly proud of that choice, as he couldn't contain his laughter. "The next one is from Addison."
It simply read 'bad bleep,' and I lost it. It was definitely expected of her.
"You guys really didn't have to do all this."
Jaden put his hands up in surrender. "Don't look at me. It was all Mads' idea."
I hugged her quickly. Nine months ago, I had been terrified, but now, I was only happy.

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now