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When we pulled up to my house, I turned to face Addison. "Thank you. I know that our friendship hasn't always been very strong, but I'm so grateful that we reconnected."
Addison nodded. "Absolutely. I love you, Tiff."
I got out, heading up to the house, waving to her as she drove away.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
"How did the awards go last night? We watched you, but then your father got bored," my mom said, greeting me with a hug.
"They went pretty well. Blake and I broke up."
I said it so nonchalantly that I was hoping that they wouldn't dwell on it. "You what?" my dad asked.
"Blake and I broke up. Our fake relationship is fake-over. I think that we're going to try to get back together. We want to make it lowkey so that maybe we have an actual chance to work out."
My dad shook his head. "I don't understand influencers. When I was your age, we certainly didn't waste any time fake dating people. This is ridiculous."
"John," Mom warned.
I chuckled. "I love you guys."

When I got upstairs, I decided that it was time to call Griffin.
"Hey, Tiff. Did you get home okay?"
Oh, God. I was gonna cry again. "No, Griff. I'm not."
"What's wrong?"
"I hurt you," I began, sniffling, "and that was never my intention."
Griffin chuckled softly. "You think that I didn't know that you were never really into me? You wanted to get back at Blake, and that's how this whole thing started. You didn't hurt me. If anything, I hurt myself."
"I was into you, Griffin."
"Okay, but you were into Blake more. I knew that."
"I'm sorry," I started.
Griffin cut me off. "Don't be. Did you and Blake finally talk?"
"What are you talking about? How did you know that?" I asked, confused.
"Blake talks about you all day long. When I heard that you guys were filming a breakup video, I figured that this was going to happen."
"Griffin, I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship."
"It could never. Work on your relationship with Blake. We're gonna be just fine."

I wasn't sure how I was supposed to be just friends with someone that had literally seen me naked, but I guess we could make it work. I got started on editing the video we had taken. My initial idea was to edit out every shot where I was crying but I realized that that literally left me with four minutes of footage, so I opted to just joke about it all in voiceover.
"And if you'll watch right here, you'll see me sobbing, again. Are we shocked? No."
I finished up and called Blake.

"Are you done editing?"
"What happened to 'hello?'" he asked.
"Okay, sorry. Hello, are you done editing?"
Blake laughed. "I am. What time do you want to post?"
I contemplated when would be the best time, but I was way to picky. "We could post them at five tonight, or we could post them at noon tomorrow. Or even three. What do you think?"
Blake laughed again. "Oh, how I love it when you're indecisive. We're posting at one tomorrow afternoon."
"Wait!" I protested. "That wasn't one of the options."
"You weren't choosing, so I chose for you."
"You kill me, you know that, Mr. Gray?"
"I do, Miss Wilde."

We talked for a few more minutes about all of the things that we had missed out on in the past six months, and I excused myself to relax for the rest of the night. I went downstairs for a bowl of popcorn and invited my mom up to watch Friends with me. We sat on my bed, talking about all the things that I had hidden from her the past few months. We left the television on in the background as she questioned everything that I told her.
"You caught him kissing his ex? So you hooked up with one of his best friends? That is brutal."
I laughed at how shocked she was. "I wasn't thinking. I just wanted him to hurt like I did."
She laughed this time. "I did almost the same thing. That's how I met your dad, actually. I was dating his college roommate, and he was a tool. Your dad, on the other hand, was not."
I was shocked this time. "Why didn't I know that? You guys never tell me anything about how you met."
She shrugged. "We never really talk about it with each other, so I guess that it just makes sense that we never really talked about it with you."
"I guess that makes sense," I said, yawning and looking at my phone. "Oh, goodness. It's already two. I'm gonna head to bed, Mom. Love you."
She made her way out of the room, pausing in the doorway. "Get some sleep, kiddo. Love you, too."

I woke up to my phone ringing. This method of alarm was getting a little bit ridiculous. "Hello?" I answered, yawning.
"Hey, what are you doing right now?" Jaden's voice rang out from the other end of the phone.
"Well, I was sleeping, but now, I'm talking to you."
"Shit, sorry. Anyway, I'm getting another tat today, and I want you to come with me."
I groaned. "You woke me up to get a tattoo?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'll be there in forty-five minutes, so get up, get dressed, and choose a design."
Jaden obviously wasn't taking no for an answer as he hung up. I quickly scrolled through Google, choosing a short quote, before getting dressed and heading downstairs.

As I stepped on the last step, I saw Jaden's car pulling into the driveway. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!"
I sprinted out the front door, getting into the car. Jaden was impatient, so I didn't want to keep him waiting.
"Good morning, Tiff. Are you excited?"
I laughed. "Do I have any choice but to be?"
Jaden shook his head. "Absolutely not. Tattoo dates are our new best friends day out activity. You will enjoy them at all costs."
"Best friends day out activity? I like it."
Jaden nodded as we pulled into the parking lot of the tattoo parlor from before. "Good, because like I said, you don't really have a choice."

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now