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-five years later-

"Blake! Ben just called! Ashley's going into labor!" I yelled up the stairs.
"What? Our grandbaby is coming?" Blake shouted back down to me.
"That's what I just said!" I shouted back.
Their wedding had been a joyous surprise, but the baby was even better. Five years ago, I was 'too young' to be a grandma, but now, I was ready to spoil the hell out of this baby.

"Is he gonna call us when she's born?" Blake asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Yes," I said nodding. "He was really nervous, so I told him to do the exact opposite of what you did."
"Hey! It wasn't awful. Was it?" Blake asked, protesting at first, but quickly growing worried.
"I'm kidding, baby," I said, crossing the room to kiss him. "Let's go get the gift put together. If we don't do something, I'm going to be anxious until he calls."
"I know what we can do," Blake murmured, kissing the top of my head.
"Sir, I might just take you up on that offer, but first, I want to get everything put together. Did you sign the card like I asked?"
Blake groaned. "Yes, I signed the card. Is there anything else that you would like me to do?"
"Go get the stuff so that we can put it in the bag, and then, we'll talk about your proposition," I teased.
He sprinted up the stairs, bringing a random assortment of items back down. "I didn't know what went where, so I just kind of grabbed it all."
I shook my head and began separating the items. "Give me a minute, okay?"

I sorted the items, putting them into their separate gift bags when my phone rang.
"Hey, honey. Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's good. Your granddaughter is here. Come see her." I could hear the tears of joy and pride in his voice.
"Blake! Raincheck! Our granddaughter made her appearance!"
Blake came bounding down the stairs. "Why are you still sitting there? Get in the car! Grandpa Gray is ready to go see his little princess!" I laughed at his excitement, reaching up to take his hand to stand up.

Blake sped through town, and I could tell how anxious he was. "Blake, baby, slow down. If you keep driving like this, we won't even get to learn what our granddaughter's name is."
Blake chuckled as he slowed down. "You're right. I'm sorry."
The rest of the short drive was silent. "I'm equally excited and nervous," I said as Blake pulled into a parking spot.
"Even if you're only half as good of a grandma as you are a mom, you'll still be kick-ass. Let's go meet our granddaughter."

We walked into the hospital, and my hands were shaking as I picked my cuticles.
"Knock, knock," Blake said as we got to the doorway.
Amelie and Tucker were sitting on a couch in the room, and Ashley and Ben looked up at us. "Hey, guys. Come meet your granddaughter."
Blake took the baby out of Ashley's outstretched arms. "What's her name?" he asked.
Ashley and Ben looked at each other before looking back and forth between Amelie and me. "Madeline Rose Marie," Ashley said softly. "After the two strongest women in our lives."
I handed the gift bags to Ben, leaning over to hug Ashley. "That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me. I appreciate that more than you could know."

-5 years later-

"Happy birthday, princess!" Blake yelled to Madeline, picking her up and spinning her around. "You make Grandpa Gray feel so old. You know how long it's been since I was in single digits?"
"No, Grandpa. How long? Like one hundred years?" her little voice asked as she looked up at him.
Blake laughed. "Not quite one hundred, but pretty darn close. What did you ask for for your birthday?"
Madeline listed off a variety of toys, and I laughed at how excited she was. "That's a lot of stuff, silly goose. Do you think you got it all?" I asked, taking her from Blake.
"I hope so. When I get new toys, Mommy tells me that it's time to give back to other kids. If I don't get new toys, how will other little boys and girls get new toys?"
Blake and I looked at each other. Her parents were obviously doing a great job of raising her. "Hey, Mom," Ben said, putting an arm around me. I sat Madeline down.
"Let me give you a proper hug." I wrapped my arms around him before whispering in his ear. "You're raising her well, baby. I'm proud of you."

As I let him out of my embrace, Amelie approached me. "Hey, Grandma! You look good! How are things?"
Since our kids had gotten married, she and Tucker had spent a lot more time with Blake and me. We were almost friends. "I'm doing well, Grammy! We haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. Is everything okay with you and Tucker?"
She nodded. "He's been trying to get back into the social media world, and his efforts have been kind of exhausting."
I laughed. Blake was doing the same thing. My train of thought was interrupted by Ashley's voice. "It's time for cake!"

We gathered around the table, singing to Madeline. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Madeline! Happy birthday to you!"
"Make a wish, sweetie," Tucker called out to her.
She made sure that her eyes were tightly shut before blowing out the candles fiercely. "Don't you want to know what I wished for?" she asked, looking around the table.
"You have to keep it a secret, silly, or it won't come true," Ashley said, taking the candles out of the cake in front of her. She began cutting pieces of the cake, and I looked at Blake.

"Blake?" I whispered as we watched Madeline messily eat her cake.
"Yeah, baby? What's up?" he asked.
"Do you remember that time that we fake dated? Then when we real dated, and you gave me the best thing that I've ever had? You told me back then that one day we would be watching our grandchildren run around, and I'm so glad that you were right."

-Writing a Noah Beck story now! If you liked this one, check out my other two finished stories: To Have and To Hold: A Bryce Hall Fanfiction and My Brother's Best Friend: A Josh Richards Fanfiction

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now