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Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Oh my God," I groaned. "Who is calling me?" My head was pounding and last night's events came flooding back to me as Sean's name flashed across my screen. "Hello?"
"Um, can I ask you what the hell happened?"
"Can you stop yelling please?"
"I'm not yelling, Tiffany," Sean responded, exasperated. 
I sighed. "Can you even be mad at me? You're the one that wanted me to spend more time with Blake."
"I'm aware, but I didn't mean go get drunk, and let Fletcher interview you. That is the exact opposite of your image. I have been on the phone all morning, trying to get you out of this mess. What am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, Sean! You're the manager, not me! I made a mistake! I'm sorry," my voice trailed off towards the end. 

Sean sighed. "I'm sorry. Can you detail everything that happened? Don't leave anything out. I need all of the information that I can get so that we can get ahead of this."
"Okay," I said. "I went to the Sway house yesterday to meet some of Blake's friends. I confided in him about not having a whole lot of close friends here. Blake suggested that some of the boys' girlfriends come over so that I could get to know them."
Sean interrupted. "How does this cut to you drunk, walking around West Hollywood?"
"I'm getting there. When the girls got there, we spent some time getting to know each other. We ate dinner, made some TikToks, you know the drill. We migrated into the living room, and they were making fun of Blake for being a simp in my YouTube video. Everything was going fine, and then, Bryce suggested that we play a game of truths."
"What the hell is truths?" Sean interjected.
I sighed again. "It's like truth or dare, but no dares. You take a shot every time that you don't want to answer. Anyway, it started pretty tamely. One of the girls asked about Tucker. I didn't want to answer, so I took my shot. Bryce thought that I looked upset, so he offered me another. The pain of Tucker met the safety that I felt hanging out with them, and I just kept going. I had a couple of beers, a few more shots, and some more shots. Addison wanted me to drink some water to try to sober up. I did, and I noticed that my mom had called me. I declined the offer of a ride because I knew that my house wasn't far. Fletcher stopped me. I broke down about Tucker. That's it." 

"Okay. How do we want to spin this?" Sean asked. 
"I don't know, Sean. There's no way that he didn't know that I was intoxicated. My mom smelled it as soon as I came home, and she was farther away from me than Fletcher was."
"Son of a bitch. This is going to be harder than we thought. I need you to come to the office. Right now. We're going to need to draft an apology. Be here in twenty-five at the latest."

I quickly got up, dressing in a t-shirt and jeans. I never did anything even remotely controversial, so Sean's anger wasn't something that I was used to. I hoped for my sake, and his, that I would never get used to it.
"Mom, Sean called. He needs me to come in now," I said, grabbing a banana from the counter. 
"So, I was right," she began. "I hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so."
I groaned. "My head is killing me, so we can do 'I told you so's later. It shouldn't be too long. Love you," I said, kissing her cheek and hugging her. 

The drive to Sean's office was short, so I didn't have much time to think. When I walked in, I greeted Lindsey. "Hey, Lindsey. Is Sean ready for me?" 
Lindsey shook her head. "He's got a new client that he's meeting with. It shouldn't be too much longer for you."
I thanked her, sitting in the waiting area. My Twitter mentions were filled with the interview that Hollywood Fix had posted. If that many people had mentioned me in it, I could only imagine how many more had actually seen it, let alone watched it. That was embarrassing. 
I heard the door to Sean's office open as he thanked whatever influencer he had taken on. I looked up and saw Amelie and Tucker walking out together. 

"Tiffany. It's funny seeing you here," Tucker said. 
I laughed. "You can pretend that you didn't know that Sean was my manager all you want, but you and I both know that that is the farthest thing from the truth."
It was Amelie's turn to laugh. "He's not thinking about you anymore, so he probably did forget that Sean was your manager." I ignored her, making my way down the hallway to Sean's office. "Oh, Tiffany? That was a nice interview last night," she called out behind me. I gritted my teeth, avoiding the confrontation when Sean was already pissed with me.

"Sit," Sean said, motioning to one of the chairs across from his desk. 
"Sean, I want to start out by apologizing. This was never, ever my intention."
"Save it," he said. "We need to get started on your apology right away. It can not be like all of these other influencers who write some bullshit down in their Notes app and post a screenshot. If it doesn't feel heartfelt, your younger audience will have their parents freaking out. You'll lose followers quicker than that interview was posted yesterday."
I nodded. "I understand, Sean. How do I start?"
"You need to start simple. Start with an 'I'm sorry,' and branch out from there. Give me all of your ideas."
"Okay," I stammered. "I need to start by apologizing for being drunk. I need to mention that it was irresponsible, especially since I'm underage." Sean nodded. "I need to mention my lack of professionalism at Saddle Ranch. Not only was it inappropriate for me to treat Fletcher that way, I also avoided fans as I left."
"Good. Get it written. I want a final copy before five o'clock tonight. That will be all," Sean said, motioning towards the door. 

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now