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"That's funny," Sean said, chuckling. "You guys really got me there."
 I shook my head. "It's not a joke, Sean, and it's not just another way to convince people. We have real feelings."
Sean looked confused again. "You're kidding. Two days ago, you guys absolutely hated each other. What happened?"
"We did what you told us to, Sean. We spent time together; we filmed content. We got to know each other," Blake replied, taking my hand in his again. 
"Okay," Sean sighed. "That's fine. Just make sure to throw some drama in there. Everyone loves some good drama."
Blake nodded. "We can figure something out, don't worry."

We left his office, heading back outside to the car. "He took that better than I thought he was gonna," Blake said, opening the car door for me. 
I nodded. "I thought that he would have been pissed."
"I think that he's just confused," Blake said, turning the key in the ignition. "Can't say that I blame him. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of confused, too."
I laughed. "You and me both, buddy, you and me both."

We pulled into my driveway, and Blake put the car in park. "Do you want to hang out for a little bit? I have to edit the video, but we can watch a movie if you want."
Blake nodded, turning off the car and heading around it to open my door. He was such a gentleman.
As we walked inside, my mom had a questioning look on her face. I shot her a glare that said 'we'll talk about this later,' and Blake and I went upstairs to my room. He sprawled out on the bed, watching as I set up everything at my desk, preparing to edit the video from earlier.
I edited the video silently, but I could feel his eyes following my every move. 
"What are you looking at?" I asked, turning to look at him.
"You," he murmured. "You're so beautiful."
I laughed at him. While I normally enjoyed compliments, something about the way he complimented me made me nervous. "You're silly. I'm not nearly as pretty as your ex-girlfriends."
Blake gasped. "You did not just compare yourself to any of them. That breaks my heart."
"I did. You've literally dated models. How am I supposed to compare to that?"
Blake crossed the room, wrapping his arms around me. "You don't need to compare to that, because you exceed all of that, every time, without question."
I chuckled softly. "We hated each other less than two days ago. What happened?"
"Life happened. It's okay."

He sat back on the bed, playing a game on his phone as I finished the video up, going live before posting it. 
"Hey, guys! A new video is going up right now. I know it's a little late, so I'm sorry, but there's a very special guest on this one. I'm gonna end the live now, so head over there for the premiere!" I ended the live and turned to look at Blake.
"I'm a very special guest, huh?" 
"Oh, hush. What else am I supposed to call you?" I asked, sitting next to him on the bed. 
Blake put a hand to his chin, looking at me thoughtfully. "You could try Blake. I know that it's kind of basic, but it works."
I hit him playfully. "You're ridiculous."
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me backward onto the bed. There was a comfortable silence as his lips hovered above mine. Our lips met, and it was like fireworks. It was different than kissing Tucker. Blake's lips were softer, and they tasted sweet. He kissed me slowly, passionately, and I melted into his embrace.

I pulled away slowly. "Blake, I want to take this slow."
Blake nodded. "We can take this as slow as you want," he responded. "I don't have any reason to rush." I reached up to caress his cheek before rolling over to grab the remote.
I relaxed into his arms as I scrolled through Netflix. It had only been a few days, but it felt like we had been together for ages. He made me feel safe and comfortable, which was a new feeling compared to my rocky relationship with Tucker.

There was a knock on the door. "Hey, kids. Blake, would you like to join us for dinner? I made spaghetti, and it will be done soon."
"Thank you, Mrs. Wilde. I would love to," Blake replied, getting up from the bed and crossing the room to the door. "We haven't officially met. I'm Blake Gray, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Wow," my mom muttered. "You're so polite. This is new for the boys that Tiffany brings home."
"Mom!" I protested. 
She laughed, shutting the door behind her. "Dinner in ten, Tiff."
Blake sat back down next to me. "I like your mom."
"Oh, yeah," I said. "I'm sure you do."
Blake stood back up, holding his hand out to me. "Let's head downstairs."

We got down the stairs, and my parents were both sitting at the dining room table, waiting patiently. 
"Mr. Gray," my dad said, displeased.
"Mr. Wilde, it's lovely to meet you. Tiffany has told me so many great things about you," Blake said, extending his hand. I hadn't, but did my dad need to know that? Not really. 
My dad sighed, standing up to shake his hand. "I'm sure that you two have spent a whole lot of time talking with one another."
I groaned internally. My dad really loved to make things weird, especially when it came to meeting boys that I brought home. "Dad, can we just eat dinner, please?"
We all sat down, but my dad wouldn't stop staring at Blake. "What are your intentions with my daughter, young man?"
"John," my mom warned. 
"No, that's quite alright, ma'am. I'm very fond of your daughter, sir. She is a beautiful girl, and she is unbelievably kind and smart. Right now, we're just getting to know each other, but, if she's also interested, I wouldn't mind progressing our friendship further."
My dad looked at me. "You like this kid?"
I nodded. "He's very kind, Dad, and he makes me feel safe. I haven't felt like this about anyone since Tucker."

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now