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"It's not that we don't support you, Tiffany. We're just shocked," Mom said, looking back and forth between me and Dad.
"I don't know if I can support you," Dad said, avoiding eye contact with me. 
I sighed. "What do you mean, Dad?"
"I have always, always taught you to be smart. To make good choices. To always do the thing that is best for you. How did you make a mistake like this?"
"With all due respect, sir, she and I are equally at fault. I don't think that it's fair to manipulate her like that," Blake said, sitting up straighter next to me. 
"This is a family matter, Blake, so I think that it would be best if you left," Dad said, standing up and making eye contact with me for the first time since I'd broken the news. 
I sighed again. "Like it or not, Dad, but Blake is family now. He's just as much a part of this discussion as you are, if not more." My mother was once again looking back and forth between me and Dad. "Oh, can you stop just looking back and forth between us? Can you say something? Anything?"

She let out a gasp at my sudden outburst. "Do not speak to me like that."
"I'm having this baby, with or without your support. I'm sorry that you disagree and that you're disappointed, but there's not much that I can do about that now. Now, if you two don't have anything else to berate me for, Blake and I are going to leave."
A look of shock graced my mother's face as Blake and I stood to leave. She couldn't bring herself to mutter a single word as she watched us walk out the front door. 

When we got in the car, I let myself cry. Blake took my hand in his, rubbing my thumb softly with his. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. 
"Absolutely not," I replied, taking my hand from his so that I could wipe the tears from my face. "Do you want to call your dad?"
Blake looked at me as we pulled into the driveway. "I guess we could. Do you really want to?"
I nodded. "Hopefully he'll take it better than my parents did."

Blake FaceTimed his dad, looking at me to make sure that I was okay. He answered quickly. "Hello? Is everything okay, Blake? You usually just text me."
Blake laughed. "I know, Dad. You remember Tiffany, right?"
"Yeah, I remember her. Hi, Tiffany. How are you, sweetie?"
"I'm good, Ronnie. Thanks for asking," I replied, grabbing Blake's hand under the table. 
"So what's going on, Blake?" Ronnie asked.
"Um, Dad," Blake stammered, "we have something really important to tell you."
"Shoot, kid. Contrary to popular belief, I don't have all the time in the world."
"I'm pregnant, Ronnie," I blurted out, tired of listening to Blake stutter over the very thing he had been so anxious for me to tell him.
"Wow! Congratulations, kiddo! Who's the dad?" 
Blake sighed. "You do remember that Tiffany and I are dating, right, Dad?"
Ronnie nodded. "Yeah, I don't understand what that- oh. Oh. I see. I'm gonna be a grandpa?"
"Yes, Ronnie," I laughed. "You're gonna be a grandpa."
Ronnie was so excited, and it almost made me forget the trainwreck that we had encountered at my parents' house. We talked to him for a little while longer before he hung up.

"You okay?" he asked, turning to face me. 
I nodded. "Can we just go lay down for a while? I want to feel you hold me."
Blake carried me over to the bed, putting me down gently. He climbed in behind me, holding me tightly in his arms. "Do you want to move in here?" he whispered. 
I rolled over to look at him. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said. Do you want to move in here with us?"
Tears filled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. "Do you really want me to? I know that I've been staying here a lot lately, but I thought that we agreed that we needed our space from one another."
"No, I know that we said that, but I think that it could be good for us. I mean, we are starting a family. What do you-"
I kissed him midsentence. I pulled away slowly before I spoke. "Yes. Absolutely."

We went downstairs and found everyone sitting in the living room.
"Hey, lovebirds," Jaden said, looking over the back of the couch at us.
"Where have you guys been all day?" Anthony asked. 
Avani hit him playfully. "Is that our business?"
"Oh, stop, you goofballs. I went to the doctor earlier, and then, we stopped by my parents' house. When we got back, we decided to take a little nap. It's not anything too serious," I said, sitting on a chair near the kitchen. 
"Should we tell them?" Blake asked, referring to me moving in. 
"Oh, and we have something to tell you guys."
Addison looked excited, but unfortunately for her, she was about to be let down. "Tiffany is moving in here." As expected, Addison's face fell.
"Wow, babe. Don't look so disappointed," Bryce joked, elbowing her gently. 
I chuckled. "She was expecting different news."
"What news would she be expecting?" Nessa asked, looking at me curiously. 
Blake and I looked at each other, and we shared a nod. "Um, guys, I'm pregnant."

Noah laughed. "What news was she really expecting?"
Dixie hit him. "She's not joking, Noah."
"Wait a minute. You two didn't use protection?" Noah asked, seemingly shocked. 
Bryce shook his head. "Man, the only protection that's one hundred percent efficient is not having sex."
The room erupted in laughter as Noah's face turned a ghostly shade of pale. "You're serious? You're not joking?"
"Congratulations, you guys," Nessa said, crossing the room and hugging us both. "You'll be great parents." 

As the room died down, Addison sat down next to me. "How did your parents take it?"
"Not well," I began, recounting the story for her. 
"No kidding? Wow. That's insane. Did you call Blake's dad, too?"
She laughed as I told the story of Ronnie's reaction. 

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now