The Fool

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Timeline is somewhat skewed for the story, so please take note.

Events of P5 took place a year prior to make the story make sense. Meaning AkiRen was a 1st year while Haru and Makoto were 2nd years.

Image is not mine.

April 14, 20XX

The Phantom Thieves, in an unexpected turn of events soon found themselves back in the distorted world of the Metaverse. Panic was the first thought that coursed through their minds, fearing that Yaldabaoth had somehow resurfaced.

Though after seeing that this was not the case, the team of tricksters dedicated their time to school and the investigation of the Metaverse which now seemed different from what they remembered. For one, palaces did not seem to exist at least not yet. Second, the Shadows had become aggressive. There were no traces of the sentience within them, only instinct and a ferocity that was directed at anyone who managed to wander into the Metaverse.

This was their new goal, to fight off the Shadows and save anyone who had managed to wander into the distorted dimension. Though currently, the gang had been separated by their schedules. A limitation that sadly still existed, after all they were still high school students.

Ren Amamiya better known by his moniker of Joker was currently on his way to the faculty office. He was called to be assigned a task of sorts, Miss Kawakami trusted him more now so naturally that meant he was more approachable now. Frankly Ren's life had gotten a lot better ever since his name was cleared.

He knocked on the door to the faculty room before ending. The sliding door doing its job as he entered, greeting any of the teachers he happened to make eye contact with. Miss Kawakami could be seen talking to another student, Ren let out a small cough as a way of signaling Miss Kawakami that he was here.

"Ah, Amamiya perfect timing." She greeted. "This is (Y/n), he'll be joining us starting this week." Ren eyed the male who gave a polite bow which he returned in kind. "I want you to show him around, and be his friend after all you'll be classmates."

Ren nodded, maintaining his somewhat mysterious nature. The pair excised themselves from the presence of their home room teacher and went on a tour of the school. It was honestly nice, it was a big school with lots of things to do, but (Y/n) couldn't help but feel homesick.

"Hey the new kid seems down." Ren's eyes drifted down to his school bag, his stride unbroken. There visible through the partly opened zipper of his school bag was a black cat; Morgana. "Why don't you try talking to him Joker."

Ren nodded, and slowed the pace of his walk to match (Y/n)'s. "So-"

Hey Ren-Ren!

The pair flinched at the volume of the call, a boy of similar age jogged towards them wearing the standard Shujin Academy uniform, but altered to fit his style. He glanced at the new male. "Who's this?"

"This is (Y/n), he's a new student." Ren began.

"Oh, no way." The new male chimed. "Then you've made a good choice in picking out your new friends."

(Y/n) remained silent. "Not much of a talker huh?" Ren nodded to answer for (Y/n). "That's okay, neither was Ren when we first met. I'm Ryuji Sakamoto."

(Y/n) offered his hand. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), though you already knew that."

"He's got a sense of humor. I like him." Ryuji commented. "C'mon lemme introduce you to the gang."


Ryuji quickly climbed up the stairs which led to a big metal door, all around it were signs that warned people not to go near it. Though this didn't seem to deter Ryuiji who basically kicked the door open.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now