Chapter 1 Finding a Way

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Ever since losing his speed, Barry felt like he was nothing. Team Flash had told him time and time again that even without the speed, he was still a hero. He didn't feel much like a hero. In fact, he felt like a coward. Even though he hadn't run from anything.

Over the past two and a half weeks, he had been trying everything he could to get his speed back but they all ended up as failures. And by that I mean his body rejected the alternatives. He had seizures that were almost as violent as the ones he had in his coma when he first became the flash and he was constantly sick.

A thought popped up in his head while he was at home, going through a photo album and finding a picture of Nora, Iris and himself. The negative speedforce.

Nora accessed it when she felt that Barry had just given up on her and right now, Barry saw that as the only way. But because he didn't have his speed, he couldn't run into the negative speedforce. So he had to seek help from the one person he loathed the most. Eobard Thawne.

While everyone was at Star Labs, running tests and what not, Barry was at home. Trying to find ways of locating Eobard. Right now, Barry was building a tracking device and with some of Eobard's DNA that Barry had on his suit from a recent fight with him, he managed to locate Eobard. He smiled when he saw the tracking device working perfectly.

He then left the loft with the device and followed the trail to Eobard's location.


"Any idea where Barry is?" Ralph asked.

"Last I saw him, he was at the loft" Iris said, looking at Ralph.

"What's he doing?" Cisco asked.

"He's working on something. He won't let me know what it is though" Iris replied, sighing a little.


Barry arrived at a rundown abandoned warehouse. He wasn't that shocked because all the villains he had encountered in the past had weird hideouts like this.

He stood at the door for a few minutes. Feeling a little hesitant. He thought of his team. Thinking of what they would say if they saw him meeting with Eobard about a personal matter. But, this was something he needed to do for himself. He didn't really care what the team would think.

He opened the door and walked in.

"Hello Barry" Eobard said, speeding in front of Barry. Barry just looked at him.

"Hello Eobard" Barry replied.

"So, what brings you here? A fight?" Eobard asked.

"I need your help" Barry said. Eobard smiled a bit.

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