Chapter 16 Recovering

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Team Flash all stood in the med bay around Barry's bed.

"So what happened?" Iris asked.

"It looks like the wound had clotted up. Causing him to go into shock" Julian said.


Everyone looked at Barry and were relieved that he was coming to. Iris moved closer to Barry and held his hand.

"Hey" Iris said softly with a smile. Barry looked at her and smiled weakly.

"Hey Iris" Barry said in a croaky sort of tone. He then looked at everyone.

"What happened?" Barry asked.


After being told what happened, Barry eventually got some time alone with Iris in the med bay. Iris was now lying next to Barry. Being a bit careful because of Barry's healing wound.

"Sorry I made you worry" Barry said.

"It wasn't your fault Barry. There's nothing to be sorry about" Iris said, looking at Barry.

"I just...I just hate putting you through things like these" Barry said, sighing a bit.

"Well to be honest, that's what comes with being a hero. You're always gonna get hurt somehow on the field. That's one of the things about being a superhero. Putting your life on the line for others" Iris said.

"But I didn't have my suit on" Barry said.

"You still were a hero, Barry. You took bullets for people. That is what I call a hero" Iris smiled. Barry smiled back and then they shared a kiss.


"Ok, now I've seriously lost count of how many times Barry has been hurt" Cisco said.

"How is that relevant all of a sudden?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, from what just's added to the long list of Barry's injuries" Cisco said.

"What other injuries did he have?" Julian asked.

"The broken back, courtesy of Zoom. Broken hand, courtesy of Tony Woodward. Stabbed with mirror shards, courtesy of Eva McCulloch. The coma, courtesy of Eobard Thawne. Struck by lightning, courtesy of many people that have done it to him. And other things that I can't really remember but involve Barry being hurt" Cisco replied.

"And Barry is still standing today" Ralph said.


After hours of resting, Barry and Iris finally returned to the loft. Hoping that nothing else would come up that would require their attention. What they needed now, was some relaxation at home.

While Barry fixed up the fireplace, Iris made some food for her and Barry. Once Barry had started the fireplace, he grabbed some blankets and some drinks and sat the blankets on the couch and the drinks and glasses on the coffee table.

When dinner was ready, Iris brought the food over and then she and Barry ate dinner together while talking about things.

"I've noticed something ever since we saved you from the mirrorverse" Barry said.

"What's that?" Iris asked.

"The cooking" Barry said.

"Is there something wrong with the food?" Iris asked, feeling a little worried.

"No, not at all. It's has never really been your strong suit and now, it's actually improved. Like a lot" Barry said.

"Well, while I was in the mirrorverse, I did learn a few things" Iris said. Barry and Iris then continued to eat their dinner. After finishing their dinner, they snuggled up to each other with the blanket now on top of them and they talked for a little while longer before making out for a bit and then falling asleep about thirty minutes after.

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