Chapter 2 New Speed

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"So, you came all the way here just for my help?" Eobard asked.

"Yes" Barry said.

"Why? You and I are enemies" Eobard asked.

"I lost my speed and I need you to teach me how to access the negative speedforce a different way" Barry said.

"Well, Barry Allen. Once the hero, now the villain. There's always a twist in these kind of stories. But not this kind of twist" Eobard said.

"Are you gonna help me or not?" Barry asked abruptly.

"Of course. You just need to do one simple thing while I get you access to the negative speedforce" Eobard said.

"And what's that?" Barry asked.

"Think of all the tragedies that have happened in your life. All the violence that's been caused against you. All the anger you've felt towards me. Focus on that" Eobard said. Barry shut his eyes and thought about every negative thing. His parent's deaths, Nora's death, Zoom breaking his back, Cicada breaking Nora's back, Eva attacking him, DeVoe attacking him and framing him, being in jail for a crime he didn't commit, the death of H.R and the nightmares of Iris dying.

While Barry thought of those, Eobard activated a tachyon enhanced machine. A portal opened and red lightning sparked around the rims of the portal.

"Now, step in" Eobard said. Barry stepped forwards and the next thing he knew, he was surrounded by red lightning and red flashing. He could suddenly now feel a rush inside him. He looked down at his hands and red lightning began to spark. His eyes then started to glow red. Lightning then sparked around his whole body. It felt good.

He then stepped out of the portal and the portal closed behind him.

"How do you feel, Flash?" Eobard asked.

"I'm not The Flash anymore" Barry said in a tone that Savitar used. Eobard smiled at the fact that Barry was now a changed person. Instead of Barry being his arch nemesis, he was now an ally.

"Need anything else?" Eobard asked.

"No, I think I'll be fine. Thank you. I'll be in touch soon" Barry said as he then ran off.

Iris arrived at the loft and found it empty. Barry had told her that he'd be there all day but obviously he wasn't there. As she was sitting on the couch, a gush of wind suddenly whooshed in front of her and red lightning flashed in front of her. At first she thought it was the reverse flash so she grabbed her phone and opened the metahuman alert app.

But when she looked to see who it was, she was shocked.

"Barry?" Iris said.

"Hey Iris" Barry replied.

"H-how? And why?" Iris asked.

"I had to. It was the only way to get my speed back" Barry said. Iris stood up from the couch and slowly made her way to her husband.

"I'm uh.....gonna have to get used to this I guess" Iris said.

"Yeah. You will" Barry said. Iris then looked at Barry's eyes and noticed that they had turned red.

"B-Barry?" Iris said, stepping back a little. Barry then rushed off. The force of that pushed Iris to the ground and made her hit her back on the edge of the couch. She then sat up and looked at the direction of where Barry had gone.

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