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I finally reach my house and call Cassie as soon as I get to my room.

"Hey bitch" she's says picking up the phone

I laugh at her

"Do you want to come over and get ready at my house?" I ask

"Yes of course, I'll be there in an hour"

"Okay love you"

"Love you too"

I hear her hang up the phone and I go into my bathroom and turn the shower on. I strip and get in, immediately relaxing under the hot water. I wash my hair and shave my legs before getting out. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top to relax before I get dressed. I run downstairs and get a fruit bowl, I pulled out my phone and called my mom

"Hey baby" she says picking up the phone

"Hey mama, what time will you be home?"

"Well I picked up a night shift so probably not till morning, Cassie can spend the night if she wants"

"Yeah she probably will, we got invited to this party so she's gonna come over and get ready"

"Well you know my rules"

"Yes I know, text you updates and don't drink and drive"

"Alright well have fun and be safe, I love you"

"I love you too bye"

After I put my bowl in the sink I heard the door open and close. Soon Cassie walked in to the kitchen

"Hey girl" she said all giddy, running over to em a giving me a tight squeeze

"Hey" I said hugging her back

"Okay so we need to a stop at fez's before we go" she sat down in the chair next to me


"To get Molly duh"

"I don't know cass I don't really want to be high tonight"

"You don't have too, you can be dd if you want but I'm getting fucked up tonight"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her

"Okay let's go get ready" she basically dragging me out of my chair.
"So did you hear?" She said throwing her dress over herself

"About what?" I said applying mascara to my eyes

"Maddy and Nate broke up"

"And? They literally break up like every other week"

"No apparently it's serious this time, like she called me and was balling and shit like that"

"Well I mean she is a bitch so I'm not shocked he's over her shit"


We both got dressed and I wore a cute tight pink dress that I just bought (pictured above)

I did my hair and makeup and I'm not gonna lie, I looked hot. I definitely had a glow up over the summer and I also gained like a lot of confidence.

"So you and McKay huh?" I tease

"We're just talking right now, but he's super sweet" she cheesed

"I'm happy for you cass"

"Did you see rue is back?"

"What?" I asked in disbelief

Rue and i used to be best friends, we were literally inseparable. But then she started using drugs after her dad died and I just was not that type of girl. And after she went to rehab we stopped talking completely.

"Yeah she just got back"

"Good for her hopefully she stay clean" even though we're not best friends, she scared the shit out me when she overdosed

We finished getting ready and got in the car to leave.

I stayed in the car while Cassie went into Fez's. I've done drugs before but I really don't like it that much. I don't like not being in control of my own body. Cassie claims it makes things more fun but I don't see it.  After getting the pills she got back in the car and we made our way to McKay's.

Addicted- Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now