Thirty One

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"Oh thank god" I said staring at the not pregnant sign on the test

I buried my head into Nate and started laughing

He smiled and got up from his spot

"There's no way you're not relived"

"I am I just...I don't know"

"We only have a year Nate, and then we can leave. We don't need a baby to do that"

Not only was I relived I wasn't pregnant, let's be real I don't know how Nate would be as a dad. He obviously doesn't have a good role model.

"You could've been a good mom"

"And in ten years I can be an even better one" I said getting up and wrapping my hands around him.

"Come on let's go watch a movie or something" I said dragging him back to the bed

"By the way we're using condoms from now on no matter what"

"Okay" he laughed

After cuddling and taking a nap with Nate, he left to go to football practice. I called Cassie to see how she was doing, I didn't plan on telling her about my own pregnancy scare when she was dealing with her own

"Hey how are you feeling"

"Oh my gosh Liv it was terrible, it hurt so bad"

"I'm sorry cass, you wanna come over?"

"No McKay and I are gonna hang, I think he feels bad"'

"Okay well have fun"

"Love you"

"Love you too"

A/N: Really short chapter but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for so long haha

Anyways I have some fun plans for the next couple chapters so those might take a little longer to get out💜

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