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After a few hours of hanging out at Cassie's, she dropped me off back at my place I finished up any homework I had and jumped in the shower, washing off all sweat that I had gathered at practice. Once I got out I threw on my sweats and headed for bed.

Come outside


I furrowed my brows at his text. I got up from my bed and walked over to my window, slowly pulling the curtain back, unfortunately I wasn't so discreet and Nate looked directly at me.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath. I slipped on my shoes and made my way to the door. I crossed my arms tightly and shivered from the cold breeze. Nate watched me walk across the road to his truck. He rolled down his window when I reached it

"Get in"

"I can't I ha-"

"Get in the damn truck Olivia"

I caved, walking around to the side and climbing up to the truck. As soon as I was in he pulled off.

"Where are we going" 

"I need your help, I did something"


"Your the only one I can trust" he said getting more serious

" Nate your scaring me" finally he looked at me

"I'm serious Liv, you can't tell anyone, not Cassie not anyone I swear to god Olivia"

"Okay Nate will you just tell me what's going on?"


"Where the fuck are we nate?" I whispered as we walked down the long strip of doors at an apartment building. He was holding on to my hand, tightly like it low-key was hurting

He stopped in front of a door but before he opened it he turned around to face me. He looked scared and nervous. I've never seen him like this

"Liv look at me" he said, my eyes darting up to him

"You have to trust me, you have to know that I'm doing this for good"

"Nate what the fuck is going on"

He didn't say anything, but instead he planted a soft kiss on my lips my then he pulled back, turned around and opened the door slowly. I heard soft music playing. I watched as Nate walked in the apartment, but I stayed in the hall. Once he noticed I wasn't following him he grabbed my hand. Leading me into a bedroom.

That's when I saw him, laying there, basically lifeless, probably struggling to breath. My jaw dropped open, I felt sick to my stomach. Tears welled in my eyes and a few trickled down my cheek. One I realized what was going on, I ran to the boy, he was beaten and bloody, he was whimpering in pain

"Nate call 911!" I yelled trying my best to keep his head up

Nate didn't move, he stood there staring at him.

"Nate, call fucking 911 what are you doing?" I screamed

"Liv you don't get it"

"Fuck you ill do it myself" I said reaching for my back pocket

"No!" He yelled

He grabbed my wrist yanking me up

"You don't understand!"

"Then tell me Nate"

"I did this"  a tear rolled down his cheek

I pulled back from him. More tear streaming down my own face. I looked at him in disbelief

"No Liv it's not what you think"

"Really? Because it looks like you almost killed someone!" I choked out

"He raped Maddy" he looked down at his feet

"You and I both know Maddy wasn't raped"

"She was blacked out, he 22"

I stood back appalled, my stomach was in knots, I felt like I could throw up at any moment.

"I don't know what to do" he said falling in my arms now full on crying

I couldn't help but feel for Nate, in some sick way I felt sorry for him. He was just doing what he felt was right, what he felt was justice.

"Okay, okay" I said lifting his head up

"We need to take him to the hospital, we can say we found him, he was jumped and we found him"

He nodded his head in agreement.

"Nate, it's gonna be okay, we'll be fine"


The rest of the night was blur, somehow we got Tyler in the car and to the hospital. There was no police report filed, thank god. 

"Nate pull over" I said on our way home from the hospital

"What why?"

"Just pull over"

As soon as the car was in park I jumped out and threw up on grass. Then after I let out loud sobs. What the fuck did I just do? If we get caught I'll probably be charged with accessory to a crime, even worse, it will probably be attempted murder, my whole life will be over, no more college, no more track. My whole life will be over

I heard Nate get out of the car and come to my side, he moved my hair out of the way and gently pulled me up and into a hug. Is continued to sob in his chest. I didn't have to explain myself. He just held me.

"I'm sorry"

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