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"Hey where have you been?" Cassie said running up to me, I could tell she had been crying, guess she had a shitty night like me.

"It doesn't matter, I'm ready to leave, you?"

"Totally, let's get the fuck out of this hell hole" she said looping her arm into mine

We walked to the parking lot together and I took a deep breath of relief when we got into the car

"Do you want me to stay the night?" She asked

Yes I did. I wanted my best friend. I wanted to tell he everything that's been going on. But I can't, how horrible is it that I have to lie to my best friend for some boy who chokes me.

"I have early practice so it wouldn't really make sense plus we have school, but um you should come over this weekend"


After dropping Cassie off and making it home, I sat in my driveway and let it all out. I screamed and cried and just sat there for at least an hour. How could Nate do that to me, how could he hurt me. Maddy was right, she warned me and I didn't listen. Nate is a bomb waiting to go off.

Right about now he's meeting Jules, threatening her, trying to ruin yet another life. Why was he still talking to Maddy? How did she get the tape? I have so many questions that will most likely go unanswered because I never want to talk to Nate Jacobs again. Fuck Nate Jacobs. Fuck Nate for hurting me. Fuck Nate for bringing me into all of his bullshit and fuck bare for hurting Jules.

I woke up with about 1000 missed calls and texts from Nate but I ignored them all. I walked to the mirror and felt sick to my stomach looking at my reflection. My whole neck was covered in bruises. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. How the fuck was I gonna cover this up.

I ended up putting on a shit ton of concealer and wore a turtle neck to try to cover it as best I could. If I didn't want to deal with the law and my mom, I would totally walk around with the bruises and tell everyone what Nate did, but I didn't need any more drama in my life and my mom.. well I don't even know how she would react.

The fucked up part was I was gonna have to see him today. I was gonna have to sit next to him in class and I was gonna see him in the hallways and the cafeteria. And I knew eventually I would have to talk to him, because I really do want an apology, and not a bullshit one, a real one.

I parked on the other side of the parking lot from where I normally parked because Nate always parks next to me.  I found Cassie and walked to her immediately, before I could even get there her eyes went wide, shit. I guess I didn't do as good as I thought covering up

"What the fuck happened to you?" She whispered

"What are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb

"Your neck bitch, you did this to you?" She said pulling down my turtle neck to expose the bruising

"Will you stop. It was just some creep"

"What the fuck do you mean Liv?"

"I was walking to find the bathroom and he pushed me up against the trailer and wanted me to suck him off and when I said no he got mad"

"Olivia what the fuck why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know I was just in shock I guess" I said lying straight through my teeth. That's all I seem to do these days is lie

"Well where was Nate?"

"At the booth, I told you I was looking for the bathroom"

"Liv we should call the cops"

"I don't know who the guy is ok Cassie, I just want to move on and forget about it"

She gave me a concerned look but stop talking about it.

"Where the fuck did you go after the whole chillin conversation?" I asked switching the subject

"McKay basically told me he said that because Nate thinks I'm a slut and he didn't want Nate to think he was with a slut"

"1st of all why would Nate think your a slut and 2nd of all who the fuck cares what Nate thinks"

"Because of those pictures that got out, and I don't know I guess it's like a bro thing, but anyways I kinda got high with uh Maddy"


"Yeah we did molly and then I ended up riding the carosell with Daniel and I guess that's when she knocked over that pot of chili"

"Oh" I said shutting my locker door

"Yeah I guess we both had a pretty shitty night huh?"

"Yeah next year we're skipping carnival and having a spa night"

"Sounds like a plan" she laughed

"Well i should get to bio, I'll see you at lunch"

"Bye" I said waving her off

I shut my locker and turned around to find Nate standing there. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk past him but was stopped by his hand


"Don't fucking touch me" I spit out

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"Can we talk, privately, like in my truck"

"I don't really know if I want to be alone around you right now Nate"

"Liv please"

"Fine, but I get to talk and you get to listen" I said before walking off ahead of him

Once I climbed in the passenger seat of his truck I crossed my arms and pursed my lips

"Liv I-"

"No you know what I'll go first. How dare you? After everything I've done for you, I could put you in jail at any minute yet I'm here saving your ass for I don't even know what reason. You have me lying to my best friend, to my mom, putting my future at risk for what? For this!" I yelled pulling down my turtle neck flashing him the bruises

"Nate I trusted you. How could you?" Here come the water works. I really wish I could have a heated conversation without tears

"I'm sorry" luckily I wasn't the only one crying

"I don't want to hurt you, it's the last thing I wanna do. I don't know why I keep doing it. I'm just fucked up Liv I'm really fucked up"

Suddenly my anger went away and I felt bad for Nate. I didn't want to but I couldn't help it.

"I love you Liv and I don't know why I keep hurting you"

"I don't know either Nate"

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