Twenty Two

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The next couple weeks were honestly great. Nate and i made it official and we were happy for once. He brought me flowers everyday and picked me up from practice. I hadn't seen a hint of anger out of his since the whole carnival night, which I forgave him for. Cassie still was hesitant but I think she was warming up to it.

I didn't press Nate about Jules any more. He's was gonna do what he had to do and if I wanted to be with him, I guess I'd have to accept that.

Tonight though was gonna be a good night. It was Halloween and and I was so excited for our costumes. Nate actually came up with a pretty good idea and I was surprised because men never care about that sort of thing. He came up with the cops and robber theme. He's wearing the inmate costume, and I'm gonna be the sexy cop. It's pretty slutty but whatever.

But first I had to get through this long ass day at school.

"I can't believe your ditching me for a boy" Cassie said leaning up against the lockers

"We're going as a couple, plus you and McKay should have dressed up"

"Fuck McKay"

"What why?"

"He's being an ass for no reason lately, I don't know ever since the carnival it's like he's just turned off by me"

"I'm sure that's not it cass"  she shrugged her shoulders

"At least you have a good costume" I said trying to cheer her up

She rolled her eyes and smiled



I waited for a minute for Nate to walk me to class, but he never came. I made my way around the corner, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Nate and Maddy whispering to each other at the end of the hallway. I stared at them for a solid minute but as soon as Nate saw me I turned around and started walking away quickly.

"Liv" he said catching up to me and grabbing my arm

I turned around and didn't say anything

"She gave me the tape back" my face softened and I let out a sigh of relief

"Good that's good" I said grabbing his hand

"What did you have to do for her?" I asked knowing Maddy would never just give the tape back

"Nothing she just gave it back to me"


"So Um I'll be over at 7, sound good?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then" I gave him a big smile

He leaned down and pecked my lips before walking in the other direction.

I was happy Maddy gave him the tape back but I couldn't shake the feeling he wasn't telling me the whole truth
A/n: really short chapter I know but next one will be longer and some stuffs gonna go down!

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