Thirty Four

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Today was gonna suck, big time. I had the weekend to get myself together. I hadn't talked to Nate at all and after a while he stopped texting and calling me. I missed him terribly, so much it hurts but I just can't forgive him, not yet anyways. I got to school early to try to avoid him at all costs. I stuck with Cassie in the halls until I couldn't anymore because she had a meeting with the school counselor.

I stood by my locker and gathered my books. I heard a couple chants come from the opposite direction and when I turned around my heart fell to my stomach.

There he was, waking down the hallway hand in hand with you guessed it.... Maddy. I stood there in shock for a second. I could feel the stares already and when he passed me, he looked me dead in the eyes. There was nothing on his face, no guilt, nothing. How could he do this?

I quickly got myself together and grabbed my books, walking with my head down to class to avoid the stares. They're both fucking hypocrites and liars. Maddy literally told me Nate's abusive, and Nate told me he doesn't love her anymore. Was he doing this just to spite me? Does he think this will make me jealous? Because it is. If that's what he's going for it definitely working. 

I walked into class where Nate was already sitting. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked to my seat. He wants to play a game? Fine I'm in. I'll pay, watch me.

I got up from my seat and walked over to Charles, who so conveniently was sitting right next to Nate.

"Hey Charles" I said sticking out my hip

"Hey Liv" he said looking up and smiling

"You know I was thinking, we never rescheduled our date"

"We didn't did we?"

I shook my head and grinned at him

"How about dinner? On Friday?" He asked

"Sure, see you then" I winked before I walked back to my seat. Satisfied with what I did. When I looked back over to at Nate, he was giving me the death glare. But really I didn't care. We're over, so what does it matter right?

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