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Normally I was always focused on game days. I tried my hardest to concentrate on Friday's and focus on the goal- winning. Winning was always the goal. My dad expected perfection when it came to football. And thanks to my over bearing obsessive need to win, our team hadn't lost a single game since I joined the team 3 years ago. Maybe it was because of my skill, or maybe it was because I was afraid of what my dad would say or do if we lost.

After every single game I'm met with some sort of criticism from him. Even if I do everything right he always has something to say. Most of the time I can ignore him, shrug it off.

Tonight I could care less about the game, about winning. All I cared about was Liv. I felt safe with her. Like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't go run her mouth to everyone in the whole fucking town.  She was different, everything about her was.

I want this to last with Olivia. I know she's mad at me. I know she's questioning whether I still love Maddy or not, and to be honest so am I. I can't even give a good explanation why I did what I did to Tyler. I know Maddy wasn't blacked out. I'm not stupid. I don't know maybe it has something to do with my father and his disgusting tapes. Or maybe in that moment i really thought Maddy had been raped.

I don't regret what I did. Tyler was a creep, who probably should have asked how old a girl was before just getting in the pool with her. Could've saved him a whole lot of hurt.

I want to tell Liv about Jules, about what I'm doing to her. But I can't, not yet anyways, not until the whole Tyler thing blows over. Not until I can get her to trust me completely

But right now it's game time. I walk out onto the sidelines of the field, I try my hardest to find Liv in the stands. She said she'd be here, I know she is. Then I spot her at the top of the stands, with Cassie of course. I didn't expect her to be alone though. She's wearing leggings, a sweatshirt with the school logo on it and a red and black flannel. Her hair was held back by a bandana, and even from the field I could see her beauty.

Skip the game because I don't know anything about football

"Hey Liv!" I yelled running up to her

"Hey, Cassie I'll text you later" she said waving off Cassie

"Good job tonight"


"Do you wanna go eat somewhere?" I could see Maddy staring at us from across the field. She was a cheerleader so of course she was here

"Yeah sure"

"Here" I said tossing her my keys

"I'll meet you in the parking lot after I'm done in the locker room"

"Oh okay"

I rushed around in the locker room, making sure I smelled good and looked good. I said goodbye to the team mates and walked out quickly to the parking lot. In the distance I could see Maddy standing and talking to Olivia by my truck. Fuck

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