Thirty Six

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Tonight was my date with Charles and honestly, I wasn't excited for it at all. Charles is sweet and nice but I'm only going out with him to piss off nate. 

Nate and I have been texting the last few days. The conversations are always the same. He tells me he misses me, I tell him I'm still mad he lied, and he makes up an excuse to why he did it. I don't know why I'm still pretending to be mad because honestly if my ego weren't as big as it is, I would be back with Nate already. I guess I'm just trying to stand my ground and show him how pissed I am. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like having Nate wrapped around my finger for once

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a ding. I walked over and saw that it was Charles so I grabbed my purse quickly and walked out. He was standing outside of his car. He was hot, there was no denying it. But he wasn't Nate, and that's the part I can't get over.

"You look amazing, here these are for you" he said handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you" I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him on the cheek. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I got in and put my phone on silent knowing Nate was gonna be blowing it up. All week he's been asking me if Im 'really going on a date with him' and my answer has always been 'yes Nate I'm really going' I know it pisses him off which makes it more fun honestly.

"So dinners not super fancy but there is a back story behind it" he said pulling into a small diner, one that I had been to multiple times, Nate would take me here after his games.

"Yeah? What is it" I said getting out of the car

"My grandma would take me here all the time when I was little, and every time we came she would give me a quarter to get a bouncy ball out of the machine"

"That's so sweet"

"Here you are" he said sticking out his hand and dropping a quarter in my palm. I giggled and walked over to the little machine, putting the quarter in and turning the little knob. As soon as the little ball popped out I put it in my purse so I wouldn't loose it.

We walked over to a booth in the corner and sat down. The waitress came over and took our drink orders immediately

"So how's track season?" He said striking up conversation

"It's good, we have a really good team this year"

He nodded his head and continued to look at the menu.

"I know that uh your just going on this date with me to get back at Nate" he chuckled

"Cassie told you didn't she" he grinned and nodded his head. That bitch.

"I'm okay with it. I get it, and honestly I'm kinda doing the same thing with my ex"

I laughed, ironic isn't it. Although it kinda stings a bit.

"So you get it"


"Nate's just such an ass and I don't know it's kinda petty but, it definitely pissed him off so mission accomplished I guess"

"Nate's definitely an asshole, but one thing I will say is that he doesn't let anyone on the team talk about you"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, the guys on our team are pretty big dicks, lots of locker room talk, shit that no one should say about the girls at our school. And normally Nate would participate"

"Doesn't surprise me" I snarled

"But when you two got together it stopped, completely. No one said anything about you ever because they knew they would get their ass kicked by him. But even when the guys would talk about other girls, if Nate heard it he would tell them to shut the fuck up"

I sat back in disbelief. Nate is definitely not one to shy away when it come to slut shaming girls. It still pisses me off what he did to Cassie and her leaked nudes last year.

"And even after you two broke up, just a couple days ago, someone said something about getting with you now that you're single and Nate threw him up against the locker, punched him, almost got himself benched"

"This makes things 100x times more complicated, thanks for that Charles" I laughed

"Hey I do my best what can I say" he said making us both laugh

The little bell on the door rattled causing me to look up, and instantly the smile on my face dropped.

"Shit" I whispered dropping my eyes

Charles didn't look back. I think he already knew what was going on.

"He's here?"

I nodded, darting my eyes back and forth between Nate and Charles. He hadn't noticed me yet because he was ordering but I'm sure he would soon enough

"You should talk to him. I'll go"

"No no you don't have to"

"Yeah, I already made Veronica jealous enough"

"Thank you" I smiled

I watched as Charles walked past Nate, causing him to look back at me. He furrowed his brows before walking over to me with a grin plastered on his face.

"Where's your date off to so quick"

I didn't say anything, I just looked back down at my lap

"Did he hurt you? I swear to god I will-"

"Will you just sit the fuck down?" I said cutting him off

His face softened as he sat down across from me

"I only asked Charles out to piss you off"

"I know"

"Cassie told him what I was doing, and apparently he was doing the same thing to his ex"

"That's weird"

"I know. But he told me some stuff, about you"

"Yeah like what?" He rolled his eyes and scoffed, probably assuming it was gonna be bad because no one ever says anything good about Nate Jacobs

"Like how you've been standing up for me in the locker room, and other girls"

"It's just fucked up, the shit they say about you, and the other girls at our school"

I nodded my head and looked back down

"I'm sorry. For not telling you about Jules. it was stupid, I should have told you but I knew it would upset you. I didn't want to get you in more trouble"

That's what I was waiting for. An apology. For him to own up to his actions, something Nate Jacobs doesn't do very often

"I'm sorry, for being such a petty bitch. I should have tried to look at it from your view"

"I miss you" he said reaching his hand over the table and grabbing mine

"Can we stop with this whole breakup shit, and just go back to the way things were" he laughed

"Yeah, that would be perfect"

A/N: extra long chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy it💜

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