Thirty Nine

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"Harvard's a good choice" my mom said trying to get me to talk about college on our way to Cassie's

"Ehh it's kinda far, you would miss me too much" 

"Stanford? that's not that far, only like 45 minutes away"

"That's too close" i laughed, she hit my arm playfully

"you would be showing up everyday"

"Whatever i can't wait to get rid of you"

"Ahh rude!" i said with a gasp making her laugh

"Have you talked about it with Nate?"

"Not really, I mean I want to go to a good school, but I don't want to leave him"

"I'm sure he could go wherever he want's, with his parent's being so rich"

"He doesn't want to have any ties with them, they're pretty big assholes"

"I gathered that at dinner"

"I don't know it's a big decision"

"Liv just don't make any decisions based on your relationship, always think about the future"

"I know mom"

"I miss this"


"Talking to you, i feel like i never see you anymore"

"Senior year, gotta live it up while i can"

"Yeah yeah, you can it, you don't want to spend time with your old mom"


We arrived at Cassie's and it was like every other thanksgiving. We've been doing this since I can remember. My mom and Cassie's mom were best friends and after Cassie's dad left, we all got even closer. By the end of the night Cassie's mom was drunk, but that's not out of the normal. My mom, Cassie and I cleaned up before we left.

"Mom can you drop me off at Nate's? I promised I would go over for dessert"

"That's fine, hey don't forget you have that meeting tomorrow"

"I won't"

I think the reason my mom is so pressed about college is because she never got to go. She was a teen mom and my dad left when in was 2 so she had to settle for a job she doesn't like just because it pays decent.

I kissed my mom goodbye before walking up to the Jacobs front door. I rang the doorbell and was soon greeted with Nate

"Hey I'm glad you came" he leaned down and pecked my lips

"I told you I would" I said walking in and taking my shoes off

"They're all in the living room watching the game"

I followed him to the living room where they were all gathered by the tv.

"Liv it's good to see you" Marsha said standing up and giving me a quick hug. For some weird reason she really liked me, Cal I'm not so sure of

"Olivia do you see this, the lions are loosing by 15 points, that's ridiculous"

"Yeah that's a shame" I laughed and Nate rolled his eyes

"Oh ignore him, he just loves football a little too much" Marsha whispered

"We're gonna go upstairs" Nate said I waved at his family while he led me out

"How was Cassie's" he said as we entered his room

"It was fine, pretty boring like usual" I said plopping on my back on his bed

"Had to be better than here"

"Anything's better than here" I laughed

"You're not wrong"

He shifted his body to face me. He started to trace his finger from my neck down to my chest and around the outline of my shirt

"I've missed you" he whispered

"You keep saying that"

"Because I do"

"I'm right here though"

"I know" he connected his lips to mine, softly and moved his hand up to my cheek, cupping it gently

"I can't stay" I said in between kisses

"You never stay the night here" he whined

"I have that meeting tomorrow and then Cassie wants to go dress shopping"

"A dress for what?"

"For the winter dance"

"Isn't that like 3 weeks away?"

"That's what I said" I laughed

"Do you have to leave now?"

"No, I can stay for a little while"

"Good" he reconnected his lips onto mine

"I have plans" he smirked into the kiss

"Do you?"

Addicted- Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now