Twenty Six

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"Good morning" Nate said waking me up by kissing my cheek

"Good morning"

"I'm gonna run home and change and then I'll come back and get you"

"Hey don't worry about it, I'll just drive myself today"

"You sure?"


"Okay" he leaned down and kissed me on the mouth

"I'll see you at school"


"Liv, I need your help" Cassie said running up to me and Nate at my locker. She looked frantic and like she hadn't slept

"Why what's wrong" she eyed Nate and then back to me before she leaned in close to my ear.

"I'm serious Liv"

I gave her a worried look before turning around to face Nate.

"I'll see you later after school?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said giving a smile

I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. Right after Cassie linked arms with me basically dragging me hard down the hallway.

"Hey where are you going?" Nate shouted at us

I turned my head and gave him an 'I don't know' look.

Cassie didn't talk until we reached the parking lot

"Cassie what's wrong"

"Liv, I think I'm in trouble" she started crying

"Hey, what happened?" I grabbed her hand

"I need you to promise you won't tell anyone" she started to look around For people

"Here let's go to my car" I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder

Once in my car I gave her the most worried look ever

"Will you tell me what's going on?"

"My period is late, like 10 days. And this last weekend I've been feeling really sick"

"Shit cassie"

"I don't know what to do"

"Ok let's not panic, that could be anything, you were drunk this weekend, really drunk. That can cause your period to be late" I pulled that out of my ass to try to make her feel better, I honestly have no idea if that's true or not

"Plus you might have just had a really bad hangover"

"Can you take me to the pharmacy?"


"I'll go in" she said getting out of the car as soon as I parked

When she got out, I grabbed my phone, I had like 4 missed calls from Nate and a bunch of texts.

I lied to him, saying Cassie wasn't feeling good and wanted me to take her home, that I'll see him at lunch.

A few minutes later Cassie returned.

"I don't want to know right now, I'm not ready"

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"Can you just take me home?"


Finally I made it back to school after dropping Cassie off. I managed to sneak in and give my teachers some lame excuse why I want there, I can afford any more absences.

I made my way to the cafeteria and since Cassie wasn't there I decided to sit with some of the girls on my team

"Hey Liv" they said as I walked up


"Are you gonna be at practice today?"

I started to answer but midway through my sentence I saw all there eyes shift up behind me. When I turned my head Nate was standing above me.


"Come with me?"


He raised his eyebrows at me, letting me know not to press him.

"Bye guys" I said getting up and grabbing my bag

When we left the cafeteria and got to the hallway. He grabbed my hand

"What's wrong?"


"So why'd you drag me out of lunch?" I laughed

"Because" he said quickly before pulling me into an empty classroom

"What are you do-" before I could finish he connected his lips to mine. I kissed him back immediately

"Nate Nate"



He pulled back and gave me a confused look

"Not here, I have to go to class"

"Your no fun" he kissed my neck

"I'm plenty of fun, just not in a classroom at school"

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