Thirty Three

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"Can you come over?" I said trying to hold my tears back over the phone

"Yeah what's wrong?" Cassie said obviously concerned

"Nate and I broke up"

"Oh no, I'll be right over"

I hung up and continued crying as I drove home. I really loved Nate, but I can't do the lies any more. Whether this breakup will last or not, it still hurts like a bitch.

I made it home and crawled in my bed, tears still coming out of my eyes. I waited until I heard the front door open and close, and within a few seconds Cassie was slowly opening my door.

She came over and wrapped her arms around me which only caused me to sob harder.

"What happened?"

"Uhh he's just such a dick" I said burying my face into my palms

I still couldn't tell Cassie the whole truth about what really happened, that would cause me to have to tell her all the secrets I've been keeping from her, and as much as I hate Nate right now, I still promised to never tell a soul, and I don't break promises.

"I found out he was texting with another girl and when I confronted him about it he basically made it seem like no big deal"

"What an ass"

"Yeah" I bit my nails

"I brought movies and ice cream, essential breakup items" she laughed grabbing her bag

We ended up both falling asleep in my bed and when I woke up and checked my phone I had like 10 missed calls from Nate, all of them I ignored. I left him on read when he texted and sent him to voicemail when he called. He messed up and he knows it. I've put up with a lot of shit that I shouldn't have to put up with. Because honestly for some reason having one good moment with him is worth 20 bad moments with him. It sounds terrible but it's true

I just don't get it, I understand it's probably hard knowing your father had sex with one of your classmates, but it seems like Nate is obsessed with it. What other reason does he have to catfish Jules. He made me think it was over, he made me think all the drama was gone and we could finally focus on us, but he lied. He his stuff from me. And worst of all he's been telling another girl he loves her, telling her all these amazing things that every girl wants to hear. He's telling those things to a stranger, yet he's not telling me, his own girlfriend those things.

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