Twenty Three

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"So Maddy didn't want anything for the tape?" I said patting some foundation on my face as Nate sat on
my bed watching me get ready


I turned in my chair to face him, narrowing my brows at him

"What?" He questioned

"That doesn't sound like an ex girlfriend, who took a tape that could potentially ruin your life"

"Liv she didn't want anything, I'm just as surprised as you"

"Okay" I said giving up the fight and turning back around

"You ready?" He said getting up and standing over me

"Yeah" I said standing up

"Don't you think this is a little much?" He asked looking me up and down

"I mean that's kinda the point" I said laughing and furrowing my brows. What the fuck was his problem

"It's Halloween Nate"

"Whatever, forget it let's just go" he said placing his hands on my hips



Nate grabbed my hand tightly as we walked into the large house that was booming with music. Nate was off tonight, and for some reason I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. But I was probably just going crazy, Nate has been great lately and I don't see why tonight would be any different.

Everybody turned their heads when we walked in, something I was not used to. Nate was like royalty at our school so I guess they were all probably looking at him. Plus everyone has been gossiping still about the whole choking incedent which was surprising because normally people move on from stuff like that in a couple days but not this time I guess.

Nate led me to a table with the drinks and before I knew it he grabbed me a put me on the table. He handed me a cup and took a swig of vodka straight out of the bottle before pouring some in my cup. Then he connected his lips to mine, hard, like he was showing off. I didn't mind though. I kissed him back but only a second later he pulled away.

"Come on, let's go" he said ripping me off the counter harshly

"Ouch" I said but he either didn't hear me or didn't give a fuck because he just continued to pull me away

We walked to the kitchen where some of his douche bag friends were smoking some weed. Nate picked up a joint from the counter and lit it up. He took a hit and then passed it to me. I shook my head.

"Come on babe have a little fun" he said pressuring me

I gave in and took a hit from the joint. To be honest I've only smoked week a couple times and all of them were with Cassie.

"I'm gonna go find Cassie" I said giving him back the blunt

"What why?" He said gripping my arm

"Because I told her I would find her tonight" I said ripping my arm back

I leaned up to his ear

"What the fuck is your problem tonight?" I whispered

He had a pissed off look on his face and he didn't say anything. He just looked forward and took another swift of his bottle.

"Whatever" I said walking away. I was not drunk enough to deal with his shit.

"Dude your girl looks pissed" I heard some guys laughing as I walked away. They weren't wrong

I walked through all the stumbling drunk people before I found rue and Lexi sitting on the couch.

"Wow Lexi I love your costume" I said laughing at her Bob Ross costume

"Yeah no one told me it was like a sex festival" I giggled while taking a seat

"Where's Jules?" I asked rue

"Who the fuck knows" she said slumping back in her seat

I nodded my head and decided to leave it at that

"have you guys seen Cassie?"

"Last time I saw her she was going upstairs with Daniel" Lexi said

"Daniel?" I said in disbelief

"Oh hell no" I said getting up and making a b-line for the stairs.

Daniel was nothing but a fucking asshole and after Cassie filled me in on everything that happened at carnival, there was no way I was just gonna let him fuck her. Cassie doesn't want to have sex with Daniel, she's just pissed at McKay.

I opened every door upstairs, not caring if I walked in on people fucking or whatever, until I found Cassie sitting on the bed crying, her mascara was running down her face.

"Babe what happened?" I said walking over to her

She shook her head

"Why are all men assholes?" She said taking the bottle out of my hand and taking a swig.

"I don't know" I grabbed it back and took another one myself

Cassie and I sat there for probably another hour drinking and talking. She was fucked up but I was just buzzed.

I made my way downstairs to find Nate but was stopped by Jules

"Liv! Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever" she was soaking wet and and wasted

"Hey Jules, your wet"

"I went swimming" she said taking my hands and twirling me around

"Jules" I said stopping her from spinning me more

"Let's go dance"

"No Jules I have to go"

"Why gotta go find your piece of shit boyfriend"


"You know what he did to me Liv? He fucking Cat-fished me!" She said laughing

"Let's go" Nate said coming up behind me and grabbing arm tightly

"Nate let me go"

"I said let's go Liv" he yelled over the music

I gave in and let him drag me out of the party

"Nate let me go your hurting me!"

He didn't let up

"Why the fuck were you talking to her!" He yelled slamming me up against the truck

"I- I wasn't" i said wincing from the pain

"Yes you fucking were dont lie to me!"

"Nate it wasn't like that" He squeezed my arm tighter and I knew it was gonna leave a bruise

"Nate please stop you're hurting me" the tears pouring out onto my cheeks. But still he didn't budge he went tighter

"Nate please!" I yelled squeezing eyes together and sobbing

Finally he let go and stepped back. Just like the night of the carnival I fell down and when I looked up and Nate he had that same look of terror on his face.

"I can't do this anymore Nate" I said burrowing my face in my hands

"I'm sorry"

"No! You can't keep hurting me. I love you Nate but I can't do this!"

"I'm sorry" he said kneeling down to me

"I don't know why I keep hurting you"

"Can you just take me home"

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