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I watched him walk away in confusion. Why did he talk to me? Nate Jacobs has never even looked at me let alone talked to me.  Rue stumbled over to me

"Hey Liv" she said obviously high

"What's up Rue"

"Not much" she said sitting down next to me

"Congrats on rehab, even though it doesn't seem like your putting it to good use"

"What just because I went to rehab you think I'm gonna stay clean?" She laughed

"I mean isn't that like the whole point" I said seriously

"Listen, this town is fucking boring and it's filled with a bunch of nobody's, the only thing to do is get high"

"Whatever rue, it's your life your throwing away not mine"

she huffed and got up walking away. I stood up and made my way over to the drinks counter and poured myself another drink. I wondered where Cassie was. Probably fucking McKay. Good for her though, at least one of us was getting some dick. I watched as Nate made his way back inside the house. Obviously whatever happened outside made him pissed off. He walked over to the kitchen and pushed all the bottles off the table, making everyone gasp and look his way.

"Get the fuck out of the kitchen!" He screamed making some people move out of his way. But one girl didn't

I got up from my seat and made my way over to the crowd that was starting to form outside of the kitchen. Somehow I got pushed to the very front of the crowd where I had front row seating to the circus that was happening in the kitchen.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"  He spat at the blonde girl

Soon he was in her face and you could see a tear run down her cheek.

"Does anyone know who the fuck Jules is? Anyone!" He yelled

"Someone better speak up or this bitch is gonna get fucked up!"

She reached over and grabbed the knife making everyone including myself gasp. What the fuck is going on?

"You wanna fucking hurt me?" She yelled holding the knife up to Nate

Nate backed up obviously not expecting that one

"Your a fucking psycho!"

"I'm fucking invincible!" She put the knife to her forearm and cut herself , the blood immediately trickled down her arm. She threw the knife in the sink, slowly walking back.

"My names Jules by the way" she said walking out of the kitchen

The crowd started to disappear and people went back to dancing and drinking. I stayed right where I was and watched Nate down the rest of a bottle of vodka. He spotted me staring and smirked. I entered the kitchen and grabbed a cup, pouring myself a drink. Like an actual idiot I stayed in the kitchen long enough for him to come near me

He came closer to me and pushed my body up against the counter with his. Fuck, I was trapped. But I'd be lying right now if I said this wasn't turning me on

"I never got your name princess" I could smell the alcohol on his breath

I stared at him

"Why don't you go find your girlfriend Nate" I said escaping his hold on me and walking away

Cassie was gonna be pissed but she could get a ride home from McKay. I wanted to leave. I was definitely a home body. And big parties like this were not my style.

I walked out of the door, thankful for the dull of the loud music that was giving me a headache. I went to go grab my keys before realizing I left my purse inside

"Fuck!" I yelled in annoyance

I turned back around just to be met with Nate holding my bag

"Looking for this?" She said smirking

"Thank you" I said snatching my bag

"Your welcome Olivia" he said stretching my name out

"Thought you didn't know my name?"

"Yeah well, I have my ways" he said coming towards me

"Thanks for grabbing my bag but I have to go" I said as he kept moving closer, forcing me to be pushed against my car

"C'mon princess no goodnight kiss?" He said closing the gap between us

"Why don't you go get your girlfriend to give you one" I said cocking my head to the side

"She's not my girlfriend" he said angrily, he grabbed my face and turned it back towards his.

"Then why were you so mad she fucked that guy in the pool, what? were you worried his dick was bigger" I teased

I could see his eyes grow darker and before I knew it he was grabbing my wrist tightly.

"I said she's not my girlfriend" he tightened his hold on my wrists and when I tried to rip away he grabbed tighter

"Nate" I let out a whimper

He didn't move and just kept staring at me

"Nate stop you're hurting me!" I yelled

He let go of his grasp on me and backed up. He looked like he was at a loss for words and walked away with his hands on the back of his head

What the hell just happened? I stood there in shock for a second before getting in my car and driving home

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