Thirty Seven

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"All I'm saying is it's never too early to start looking for dresses"

"Cassie, winter dance isn't until after Christmas break. Let's at least wait until after thanksgiving"

"If we go on Friday we can get all the Black Friday deals"

"Fine I'll text you"

Finally it was the last week of school before we all went on break for thanksgiving and I honestly couldn't look forward to it more. Track season finished up number 1 which looks really god on my college applications. Im hoping to get a head start on those this week, I've been kind of neglecting thinking about it. I still haven't decided what I wanna do yet.

"I missed you on Saturday" Nate said walking up to me

"I know, the team decided last minute they wanted to change the dinner from Sunday to Saturday"

"Aren't you the captain though?" He teased

"Not anymore"

"What are you guys doing for thanksgiving?"

"Cassie's family and mine always have thanksgiving together" he nodded his head

"You wanna go out tonight?"

"Sure" I grinned and kissed him on on lips lightly but before I could pull away he pushed deeper into the kiss

"I'll pick you up at 8" he whispered before walking off

The rest of the day was easy since it was the last day before break.
"Olivia?" Cal said walking up to me. I was at the grocery store trying to figure out which can of cranberry sauce to buy

"Mr. Jacobs how are you?" I said surprised to see him

"I'm good, and you?"

"Good, just getting some last minute grocery's"

"What are your family's plans for thanksgiving?"

"We always go to a family friends house"

"Lovely, well you should stop by for dessert"

"I'll try to slip out"

"It was good to see you" I said waving and walking off. God he makes me so uncomfortable, even if he's being nice it's like he's always being fake. Like he always has a underlying motive

I finished up shopping and got home quickly to get ready
A/N: thank you all sm for 10k reads, that awesome and I'm so glad you guys are liking the story ❤️

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