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"Do you think I'm a bad person?" Nate asks running his finger tips slowly and softly across my chest as we lay there in my bed, naked after having what quite possibly could be the best sex of my life. All the lights were off  except for a little lamp in the corner of my room that gave off minimum light.

Some would say I've made a mistake sleeping with him, but I didn't see it that way. Would I regret ever talking to Nate Jacobs in the future? Probably. Would I get hurt? Probably. Was I willing to risk it? Yes absolutely.

The question he asked made me think, hard. On surface level, Nate was no more than an abusive asshole jock. But I feel like I'm starting to get a better understanding of how his mind works. If he would have asked me this the night he beat up Tyler, I would have told him flat out, 'yes youre a terrible person' but I've had some time to think about the situation, and I think I know why he did it. He thought someone had hurt one of the people he cares about. Whether he stills loves Maddy or not, he'll always care about her, and I accept that.

"No, you just think your doing the right thing when your not. That might not always  be a bad thing"

"Why haven't you ran from me yet?"

"You want the truth?" He nods his head in response, looking up from my chest to my eyes.

"I have no idea"

A/N: okay I know this chapter is really short but I wanted to give some insight on what I really think Nate Jacobs is like after watching euphoria.

Also thank you guys for 1k reads. Ily guys🥰

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