- seven

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Lord Tewksbury POV :

"Lord Tewksbury, would you like some accompany to go outside?"
"How about a tea?"
"Lady Martina would like you to"

Voices all over the house, I couldn't bare to listen. My thoughts are running around by thinking so much about Enola. It took years since I have heard about her and to know that she's here is something I have wished for a long time ago. I did not mind the maids and Martina and instead, I went outside by myself. All I know is that, I want to meet her. I want to see her again this time. I have been waiting for this since the day she left.

As I was in outside, everything felt rushed that I just instantly needed to see Enola. I kept looking and asking if they have seen her but people just don't seem to know where.

"Excuse me but do you know Enola Holmes?" I asked the guy whom sells the newspapers.

"Oh, my lord! I have plenty of newspapers but if you-"

"Have you seen Enola Holmes?" I repeated.

"She brought my newspaper once." He responded. I thought of the lodging houses she might have gone to, but, where?

Hmm, Madame Felicia's lodging house. This is the only lodge that has come across my mind Maybe that's where she went to. I hope that the ones she was staying at was clean and comfortable.

I went in to the place and as soon as I reached it, I stopped at the entrance. That would be totally weird if I just showed up there randomly. I should think of a plan. My eyes kept roaming around just to see where I could hide and as I was not expecting, I saw her walking at the side, looks like she just arrived.

Enola was wearing the necklace I asked Sherlock to give. Also, she was with some guy I was familiar with, or are they the one I saw talking while I was at the terrace? I kept my distance as they were getting closer. Enola seemed happy, maybe there was a 'thing' going on between them. Should I come and ask? Should I... maybe not.

I tried to walk away and just think didn't that I never saw that. But then, I was really bad at hiding my emotions. I walked to the same direction they were, trying to keep my emotions still. What if she'd just look at me like I was someone from the past? I took a deep sigh and moved my feet that leads to her and there it was. Enola's eyes met mine. All I can think is that- I've waited for this.

"Tewksbury!" she said and by the tone of her voice, it was sad, shocked, happy, I don't know. She hugged me, warm and tight that her affection was felt.

"Enola.. I- I have been.. How are you and are you staying at this lodging house for the mean time?" I ask and still had my eyes on her, not moving it away.

"I guess, it has been a lot and no, I only dropped by. How are things going for you and..."

"Lady Martina..?" she added and looked at her nails, as she was mentioning Martina.

"Good? " That was such a lame response. I should have thought of another thing.

We were filled by silence but then, William took over the conversation.

"Uh hello, Lord Tewksbury!"

"Oh and this is William Cipriani, he's my uh- suitor." Enola interrupted. I just awkwardly smiled and said, "Ohhh... that... that's nice of you, William.."

William smiled and Enola held his hand and intertwined it with hers. I quickly gestured my hand and responded with, "So, uh, goodbye and see you next time around, Enola!" That was so fast, I wish we could talk more but it would be a disrespect to William that I was talking to his beloved, I turned around facing the other way and walked forward. I felt crushed and at the same time confused. Why is she back? Why do I keep looking and waiting for her, still? I shouldn't thought any of that but it's just... really confusing me.

Enola replied from behind, "Goodbye, Tewksbury!"


Enola Holmes' POV :

Looking at Tewksbury walking away makes me feel regretful. I can tell he's disappointed but in my defense, I should've asked for a better question and looked forward. But, instead, I was sad by his response. He and Lady Martina was in a 'good' status, huh? I was hurt by it, nevertheless, I must not mind it. At the same time, I wanted to hug him and tell him I missed him. Fine, I'll just not think about it.

"Why did you tell him that I was your suitor?" William ask. I faced him and gave him a look.

"I'm sorry Willy but I need to put an act. Please bare with me."

William nodded like he seemed to understand, good thing.

We both separated ways as he goes home and I did too.


It was around 8pm. The rain seemed to follow on my emotions while I was reading the letters Detective Maya sent me, I have completely forgotten about that. I reviewed the letters once again and it says that :

"He's an intelligent, fearless, plays card tricks and is wearing black suit all the time." Why is this so undetailed? I could have guess that since he's living here in the same location as I, he might be playing tricks into someone here, he could also be in House Of Lords, or... I think I got it.

I waited for the rain to cease and I immediately went in and find evidences of the spy. First of all, he has an Italian name. Which is like : Giovanni, Paolo, uh, uhm... I can't think of anything else. Currently, I'm at this place wherein there were a lot of people.. Ah, circus. I went inside and looked for a guy wearing a black suit. As soon as the circus starts, I sat down and watched the performances. My eyes finally saw the guy in black suit, playing cards to kids. I must talk to him as soon as I get there. I carefully walked to avoid bothering people.

"Hi, are you really so good in playing that?" I asked behind his back and he faced me. The kids stopped watching him when I spoke.

"Who are you, young lady?" He asked and raised a brow. His fake mustache does not seem to suit him.

"I'm Enola. Enola Holmes."

He smirked and mouthed, "Enola Holmes. I see."

"and who are you?" I asked back. He let out a laugh and replied, "Nicolo. Nicolo Ca... Costa."

"Good, what's your age?" I asked again, trying to know his information.


"Are you from Italy? Costa is Italian's surname... as far as I know.." I said and crossed my arms.

"Yes, what's the problem with that? and why do you need my information? What does this have to do with you, Holmes? " he answered.

"You see, my brothers are a known detective. I just need those information for your future and safety. I hope you have a nice night." Ah! That's so dumb, why that? I really can't think of anything else as a response.

Couple of hours later, I sent a letter to Detective Maya that I think I have found him. The information matched to hers and for now, all I need is to wait.

If I ever finished this case, will I just go back home or stay a little longer?



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