- thirteen

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Enola Holmes' POV :

Lazy afternoon, I couldn't even think of things to do. All I did for today is clean the house, eat, sleep and repeat. I miss hanging around with William. He hasn't been around and I haven't heard a single thing about him. Maybe I should just go and visit him and his sick mother?

I went out and walked for about a few steps and there I arrived.

Their house went off and became plain, his father wasn't even here to say hi nor him? I got a few step closer and looked around their open windows. I roam my eyes around and saw William, sitting and looking devastated. His eyes were puffy and he was just staring at the wall. I quickly opened the door and found his mother laying on the floor, lifeless.


As he heard my voice, he seems to be a bit awakened. "Miss.." he said helplessly.

"W-what happened? Why is she laying on the floor?!" I asked, panicking.

"I don't know either, I just went home and... and saw her, laying there..." William said, breaking into his verge of tears. I hugged him tight and whispered, "I'm going to help you, please, tell me what I can do.."

"Miss, I don't know anymore. My mother is gone, I don't...I can't live like this!"

"Where's Mr. Cipriani? He should be here," I said, still holding William.

"That's the thing... I called him earlier about what I saw and he told me that... that he love me so much and then, he just hung up." William scoffed and broke down, I can feel his pain throughout his voice, his eyes, everything. Imagining his life after this tragedy will be the hardest battle he will ever fight.

I kept him in my arms for a while as he still kept crying, I looked at the surroundings and recalled everything. His father was once a happy man, he even produced an amazing son. His mother was too young to be gone, too.

"I'm here for you, Willy. Things are hard and trust me, I'm here." He did not respond, instead, he just hugged me tight.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, but first we need to get this body out of your house and find somewhere to bury it." I said.

"I can do that by myself. I'm sorry for bothering." He hesitated.

"You sure?"

He nodded and said, "Yes, thank you Miss. I'm lucky to have you around." We separated ways as he goes and find a place and I, went to the nearest coffee shop to buy some foods for Willy, I'll just drop them off.


"One big pesto pasta please and a vanilla iced coffee."

I sat down after I ordered, things aren't still sinking into me. The eyes of Mrs. Cipriani and William's heartbreaking tone. I really can't think of anything else. As I was waiting, I saw a little paper and a pen. I started writing.


I'm so sorry I can't be with you today. We both have things to fix and I just wanted to inform you that it's been rough.


Few minutes later, my order arrived and I said my thank you after. I dropped the letter at Tewky's mailbox and left.

I walked a little farther to go back and check on William.

"Willy?" I said, not going inside.

"Miss?" He said, sniffing.

"I..I got you foods, I know you've been hungry.." I responded and handed the food.

William smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss. Thank you. Really.."

I tapped his shoulder and gestured goodbye and as I walk away, I can feel his sadness going in thru me.


I reached home and decided to check my mailbox. And again, there was a lot of messages from Tewksbury. He replied so fast. It's quite obvious that he's interested in my stupid letters.


What happened? I'll come over there, if I can. 4pm sharp. Tell me everything.


I chuckled by the "Tewky", he liked the nickname now! Such a silly, Tewksbury. Since I was so tired, I immediately started to feel sleepy and fall asleep on the coach.


Lord Tewksbury's POV :

"Uh, Enola?"

I giggled whenever I say that, cheesy but yeah I am quite in fond of saying it. Would never say that again! There was no response from the gate, so I thought maybe I should look for the window? I carefully stepped closer and looked for her. Ah, she's sleeping!

I checked the door from the front and it was locked, is going inside the window bad? I mean, I can't just go in? I even have flowers with me, they are going to be ruined! I have to think of something else... As I was carefully walking, I hit a flower vase and it broke... Oh..

I heard a footsteps coming and opened the door quickly.

"Enola!" I said which made her wide-eyed.

"Tewksbury?!" she exclaimed, confused. Enola being newly awakened makes my heart flutter.
I laughed and said, "What?"

"You could've said something that you're coming.. " She said and was shocked to see her vase broke. "and you broke my vase.." I can see her face being sad, ah! I'm so sorry.

"Sorry.." I whispered and smiled, awkwardly.

I went inside the house and followed Enola.

"Feel free to sit anywhere." She said, a little bit grumpy.

"Okay." I replied and sat down looking at her sleepyhead face.

"What?" she asked, sitting down in the same couch as I.

"Why are you here?" she asked. You wrote me a letter what do you mean..

"Didn't you send me a letter of you struggling?"

"Yeah, I was... I forgot about that, I thought you weren't going to come!" she replied and still sleepy.

"What happened? What made you wrote that?" I ask.

"William's parents died. It affected me, though. His parents were the nicest and I wasn't so use of William being dried out."

Hearing Enola rant and being sad made me sad too, I wish William is still okay. That man is brave, I believe in him.

"Let's visit him tomorrow..?" I asked. Enola nodded and got closer to me.

"Oh, did I tell you already?" I said.

"Mother wanted to see you again."
"I'm pretty sure, she still remembers how you helped us back then-" I didn't get to continue what I was saying. Enola fell asleep on my back and I couldn't move.

She's such a sleepyhead. I actually love this grumpy Enola. I mean, who doesn't?

I turned around to face the other side, her head falls into my lap and to my surprise, she did not even wake up. I touched her hair and just played with it, tried braid and stuffs. Looking at her like this is just so comfortable.

As I was taking a glance and touching her hair, I whispered, "I love you, Enola." and I left the flowers beside her.

If only you know how I would want to spend all this time with you. There will come a time wherein we also had to separate ways-which is I won't tell you when.


Hi, thank you so much for the 1k reads!! Just wanted to tell you guys that you are all amazing and expect big things to happen in this story.  Also, play the video I got in youtube for more feels! Credits to it's respectful owner! :))

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