- twelve

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Enola Holmes' POV :

"So, how's your meeting with the Campbells'?" I asked and fixed his hair a little. We decided to go on a movie theater together since he promised we'll see each other today.

"It was kind of suspicious, for some reasons.." He whispered.

"How suspicious is it?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"I don't know and I don't care." Tewksbury replied and held my hand as we go outside. I removed his hand that's intertwined on mine. Why does he have to?!

He looked at my face when he felt that I removed his hand. I rolled my eyes and went in the carriage first. That's so lame, I just don't want to be showy or something. But, maybe I was?

Tewksbury got in the carriage and smiled at me as if he was teasing me.

"So, are you excited to-" He asked and placed his hand on mine, again! He's obviously playing around! I slapped his hand which made his face bitter. 

"Oh, did that hurt? I'm sorry.." I uttered and acted innocently as a joke. I let out a giggle when he made silly faces.

"Is this your first time going into a theater like this?" He asked.

"No, I tried once. It was pretty boring."

"Really? When?"

"It was at the Soho, I even thought that the spy I was looking for was there. But, it was a random guy and I just tapped his shoulder and called him mister—" I didn't get to continue my words as I realized that it was him whom I tapped. It was Tewksbury whom I saw. I feel so embarrassed that I felt my cheeks turn hot and I just wanted to jump out of the carriage and get lost. Just for 5 seconds!

"Really Enola? You were that guy?" Tewksbury laughed and I admit, it was quite embarrassing yet he's so adorable to look at.

"Yes, now shut up about it."

"You literally tapped my shoulder! How come I didn't notice you and your boy tone?" He said, still laughing at me.

"You're really that dumb, aren't you? You didn't even recognize that it was me!" I said, trying not to laugh.

"How could I? Your hat is so big and I just don't know you could do that!"

"Now you know." I replied and smiled.

After our laughter, his eyes went looking outside to see if we are near at The Soho.

He asked for my hand, I can tell he's still not yet off about a while ago. His lips were forming a smile that tries not to laugh.
"Stop!" I said, trying not to laugh to. In this point, we don't know what's even funny. Maybe it's his face. Silly.

Few minutes later, we arrived and went inside.

The memories came back. I, looking for the spy and accidentally met Tewksbury. Now, I'm here going with Tewksbury. Is that even an achievement? Why am I happy about it?

When we went inside the theater, some people exchanged greetings with us. I'm really happy to be honored.

"The show is starting for about a minute," Tewksbury reminded. I glanced at him and said, "I hope it's not boring this time."

As the show starts, the story began with a woman— kind of desperately needing some love. Not from a guy, but from also a woman. I kinda enjoyed the story as it goes. I can hear whispers that the story was something not to hype up with. They say it was not a good example since it's showing lesbianism. If people can't accept this kind of thing, then how cruel our next generation will be? I'm pretty sure that someday, these people will receive validations and support. They are valid to me, no matter what.

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