Insouciant|| 01

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This first few chapters will be taking place when they were first years.

1st P.O.V

adjective: insouciant
showing a casual lack of concern.

I groaned waking up to the alarm that echoed throughout the white walled rooms, Inarizaki High huh. I rubbed my eyes while removing the dried tears that was unknowingly there. My throat was dry like a dessert, I then licked my lips that were chapped.

3rd P.O.V.

L/n Y/n moved to Hyōgo at December of 1st year highschool, she was originally from Tokyo, she was enrolled to Itachiyama Academy for her spectacular grades, the teenager also got a scholarship from Fukurōdani Academy but refused it. L/n Y/n was born at 1995, November 8.

The wind silently blowed, the kitchen curtains slightly waved, the sun went through the laced curtains of the kitchen window. After she took a shower she had a hard time putting on her white collared long sleeves as the button in front of
her chest popped making her groan in annoyance.

'Fucking shit' she thought not realising she said it out loud.

After 4tries of buttoning her long sleeves she gave up. She wore her skirt and placed a grey hoodie on top of her long sleeves then putting on her black blazer. She examined the uniform noticing how short the skirt was that was midway through her thighs, she said to herself "No way in hell I'm wearing this shit." she went back to her closet and got black trousers similar to the boys uniform but it was a unisex one. She pictured herself on with those her school shoes and realised how bad she would look like.

She opened her cabinet that was pure white and got stockings or what you call tights. It was black stockings, she changed back into her skirt and placed her stockings on, she was standing up while putting it in and tripped a little as she lost her footing.

'When's mom coming back? Oh yeah... she'll be at Tokyo for a whole month.' She procrastinated, she pondered why they even went to Hyōgo the first place. She shrugged her shoulders at the thought not really caring about it anymore.

"I have my books right?" She asked herself then answered her self back with a 'yes.' Before leaving her room she checked all her stuff making sure she didn't leave anything behind, she made it more sure that she got her phone and headphones. She grabbed a black disposable mask, when she grabbed a mask she had realised she it was the last one, reminding herself to open another box. She grabbed a book quickly from her bookshelf which was a criminal novel called 'Two Can Keep A Secret" a book written in English by an author Katherine M Mc.Manus she quickly shoves it inside her bag before rushing out the apartment.

She wasn't bothered enough to have breakfast so she skipped it and went straight to school. The headphones that was wrapped around her neck was then put on as soon as she played the music. Not too long when she had placed her headphones in she nearly dropped her phone when two men bumped into her, one to the left one to the right.



"Annoying shits." She mumbled out that was heard by the man who walked past her with such lazy eyes. His hair parted in the middle, dark chocolate brown hair, eyes like yellow yet slightly greyish eyes. He slightly chuckled at what she said.

"Mother fucker piece of annoying shits." She cussed out again, Y/n's phone was one of the most important thing to her life, the one that only keeps her going. Not like she wanted to live but her phone was the only thing that distracted her from reality. The man beside her now knew how pissed the female was and continued to walk faster, quite unusual for him.

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