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Ritchie: "What do you mean?"

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Ritchie: "What do you mean?"

Ritchie continued to make his way to his date

Michael: "No we don't want to see, already know what he does."

They see Ritchie picking up some flowers, chocolate, and a necklace before going to a house. Ritchie knocked on the door and it opened reviling a lady?

Ritchie: "Why Hello there~"

Sam: "H-hi Ritchie."

Ritchie: "Are you ready for our date?"

Sam: "Maybe."

Ritchie: "Don't worry we'll get to that later, if you still want to. However I have a nice table waiting for us."

They arrive at a fancy restaurant, luckily Ritchie and the girl(?) was sat out side. A waiter came and served them.

Ritchie: "I would like a pizza and a side of fries."

Ser: "What does the lady want."

Ritchie: "They, they go by they/them."

Ser made a face but continued.

Ser: "What do they want?"

Sam: "A fish and some corn."

Ser left and didn't return until he gave them their food. It was starting to get late when Ritchie took Sam home.

Ritchie: "So how was your date sweetheart?"

Sam: "It, it was nice thank you. I-I think I'm ready."

Ritchie: "If you are sure love~"

Sam lead Ritchie inside. The others saw her sit on Ritchie's lap and kiss him. Not wanting to see this escalate they left.

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