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David cradled the sleeping baby into his chest

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David cradled the sleeping baby into his chest. Nothing too chaotic happened in that hour, seeing as Brandon was asleep. Ritchie came in.

Ritchie: "Ok Brandon wake up. I need you all to get dressed into your suites, here is the address and tell them Ritchie sent you. Off you go!"

Ritchie pushed them to get changed. Soon they all come out, Ritchie straightened their outfits up and put the flowers into their breast pockets before sending them off and out of the house.

Ritchie: "I'm ecstatic for them, plus them being poly gives me a chance. If not I'm still happy, they deserve eachothers love. I do sleep but I technically I don't need to or not alot."


They couldn't believe Ritchie kicked them out of their home.

Brandon: "I guess we go to this place."

Michael: "Let's hope this isn't a joke or a trick."

David: "He's not that low, at least I hope not."

They all made their way to this extravagant restaurant. A waiter went up to them.

Waiter: "How may I help you gentlemen?"

Michael: "We were told to tell you Ritchie sent us."

The waiter's eyes widen.

Waiter: "Sir Ritchie sent you. Come with me."

The waiter lead them to this secluded area in this beautiful garden. Their was a waterfall and soothing music. The table was getting set with their favorite foods.

Waiter: "Ring this bell if you need anything while you eat. After your food there was planned a small dance followed by a walk in the garden undisturbed, and to finish the night off a area where you get to pick your significant others a gift already paid for."

The night went smoothly, Michael didn't even get mad. Nothing could have made the date better. David picked out a blanket for Brandon and honey for Michael. Michael gave David new gardening tools and Brandon a stuffed bear. Brandon gave David a stuffed plant plushie and he gave Michael a stuffed honey pot.

When they returned home they saw Ritchie passed out on the couch watching Chuck (Just pretend they have tv and movies in their time period.). Sighing Michael took him up stairs and put him on his bed before joining David and Brandon.

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