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Ritchie sat at the table as David got the dishes

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Ritchie sat at the table as David got the dishes.

Ritchie: "It, it does seem to destress them some. However this is the old me."

Brandon: "What do you mean?"

Ritchie: "I was originally made to be this way, this was how I use to be."

The door rang as Ritchie went to get it. When opening the door he was met with Kim.

Kim: "Where have you beeen?"

Ritchie: "I have been doing my job and at home."

Kim: "Why do you sound funny? Nevermind, come on."

Michael: "Where do you think your going with him?"

Kim: "Were are going on the date I was promised."

Michael: "I'm going have to intervene and say no you can't."

Kim: "You have no say what he can do. Come on baby~"

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