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Ritchie: "Yes you may

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Ritchie: "Yes you may. It's fine I don't really care if I end up in those relationships. I can't stand it happing to other people tho. I usually give a person  a warning before I take server actions. I got mad because that wasn't her first offense, but her 5th. A camping trip sounds nice."


Michael: "WHY AM I IN A DRESS!?"

Ritchie came down stairs.

Ritchie: "My don't you look lovely in that~"

David: "Can you not?"

Ritchie: "I'm just stating the truth."

Michael: "Yea,yea, sure you are. I hate this and it won't come off!!"

Brandon hugged Michael close and covered him up.

Brandon: "There. Camping sounds nice."

Michael: "We just got off a weeks break."

The clip of Ritchie saying he killed a club full of people played. The others looked a little shocked.

Michael: "When did this happen?"

Ritchie: "A day after we all first met."

David: "Why, I thought they were your people?"

Ritchie: "They all deserved it, they were very abusive to the works, the people they brought in, they were also rapist, murderers, child molesters, and drug dealers."

Brandon: "How did you go overboard?"

Ritchie: "Wouldn't you like to know~"

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