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David: "I'm doing fine!"

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David: "I'm doing fine!"

Brandon: "Were all good. I can't believe you got scared by Ritchie."

David: "No I wasn't!"

Ritchie: "You leget screamed."

David: "I did not!"

Michael: "Thank you for the boba. Yes you did~"

Everyone kept teasing David, getting him more mad.

Ritchie: "Don't be a scaredy cat and give me-"

David: "Will you all shut up!"

David slammed his hand on the table, breaking it. This sent Ritchie into the air and crashing on the ground. A big crash could be heard. Ritchie layed in the rubble of the table and pieces of himself. His right arm and left leg was off and shattered, his face had a hole where his left eye was.

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