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Ritchie was putting away the clothes

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Ritchie was putting away the clothes.

Ritchie: "That would not be necessary. I can function without the intake of food, so there is no need for them to be wasted on me."

Down stairs the others were thinking hard.

Brandon: "I thought they were hickeys and bruises from him because well, lustful."

Michael: "How did we? He haven't really yelled at him in at least a month. The most we have done was raise our voices?"

David was tring to think back to all the times they yelled at him, rarely did he ever flinch or anything,only 2 *cough 3 cough* times he did was when it was like they hated him and said it. He also vaguely remembers him asking not to be left alone and when they returned he was super clingy. David started to feel even worse as he started a nice lunch for Ritchie.

Michael: "Ritchie?"

Ritchie: "What is it that you require Captain Michael."

(Ima stop putting ? For Ritchie so it reads more monotone)

Michael: "Please do not call me that?"

Ritchie: "What do you wish to be called by."

Michael: "Michael, know what you usually call me."

Ritchie: "It is to my knowledge you hate being called that. If it is what you wish I shall call you Captain."

Michael: "Sure, anyways why don't you take a break?"

Ritchie: "That would not be necessary. Thank you for your concern Captain, but it's time for my patrol."

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