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Ritchie slowly woke up and saw the others still asleep

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Ritchie slowly woke up and saw the others still asleep. He heart flustered as he held a warm smile. He noticed the blanket over them and looked under, thankfully the onesie was acting like underwear.

Ritchie: "It feels wonderful. Thank you."

Not wanting this to be over yet, Ritchie went into a half sleep state. Slowly Michael woke up followed by David.

Michael: "Morning, how did you sleep love?"

David: "It was peaceful. It looks like Lusty boy is back...please tell me he's not naked."

Brandon: "Has *Yawn* something on. My guess his onesie I'd now *Yawn* underwear."

David: "Let's move before he wakes up."

Once they were out of the room they heard you ask about babies. All their faces blushed a deep red.

Them: "WHAT?!"

David: "Its too early for that!"

Michael: "That, that and we aren't females!"

Ritchie walked out rubbing his head.

Ritchie: "What's all the commotion about loves?"

Brandon: "It's nothing, let's just eat!"

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