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Ritchie was limp in your arms as you put him as his bed

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Ritchie was limp in your arms as you put him as his bed. He didn't react when you hugged him, his eyes seemed empty and all around void of life.


The others were at Merlins. They left a little damage under their feet.

Michael: "He was lying to our faces! Why should we listen to him!?"

Brandon: "He had plenty of time to tell us."

Merlin looked at the others eyes, narrowed looking at something. Merlin had them sit down and drink some tea.

Merlin: "What's up with you all?"

David: "We found out Ritchie was the reason thoese people died and he lied to our faces!"

Merlin: "I see, do you know why?"

Brandon: "No because he'd lie to us, I can't believe we trusted him, we...nevermind!"

Merlin: "It does and I know why."

The others felt their anger grow, but stopped growing.

Merlin: "Everyone he killed was a bad person and the ones he does spontaneously are people he gave multiple chances to change."

Merlin goes and list off what causes Ritchie to kill people. They still felt angry and didn't really know why, it seemed the tea was helping them.

Merlin: "Ok, I'm busy and I already cured you, now leave."

Michael: "Cured?"

Merlin: "Isn't that the main reason you came here? Anyway I don't have time."

Merlin forced them out of her place. They walked home and went to sleep.

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