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Ritchie was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower

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Ritchie was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower.

Ritchie: "Nope! I can't change into animals. As for crushes, that would be at lot of people, but I love the lovely people I live with."


Everyone else was at the table eating when they suddenly said their crushes, finding them unable to lie.

Michael: "David and Brandon!"

Brandon: "David and Michael!"

David: "Brandon and Michael!"

They all blushed and stared at eachother.

David: "Sooo, then would you two like to go out?"

Michae: "I wouldn't mind."

Brandon: "Does this makes us boyfriends?"

Michael: "If you want us to be."

Brandon: "So, I have 2 boyfriend pillows now."

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