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(Yes you can, just ask it in this chapter

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(Yes you can, just ask it in this chapter. I hope this is what you ment.)

Ritchie wakes up, surprisingly in his bed. He tried to remember how he got their but couldn't. He stretched before getting out of bed.

Ritchie: "Easy I used my connections and a favor a person owed me. I didn't know when we all could afford off time so I had to get it all done that night. Be caring and you don't want to be like me if I'm honest I'm kind of a bad role model."

Ritchie walked down stairs and was greeted by the others.

Ritchie: "Did one of you bed me last night~"

David: "Don't put it like that."

Michael: "I did bring you to bed as a thank you."

Brandon: "Looks like their was another murdered from that one *Yawn* person nobody is allowed to get."

Michael: "Why, why are these murders going without invention?"

David: "Love calm down."

Michael stopped as he was called love, he couldn't help the small smile on his face.

Michael: "Ok dear."

Michael smirked as David blushed some.

Ritchie: "Look at you love birds~ Now of you excuse me I have a date."

Michael: "No you are going on patrol."

David dragged Ritchie out with them.

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