ask and dare

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Brandon: "It's hard to tell sometimes because he has came home with bruises similar and we have walked in on him with people

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Brandon: "It's hard to tell sometimes because he has came home with bruises similar and we have walked in on him with people."

Tears start to go down their faces as the memories of that night flood back.

Brandon: "I, why did we do that?"

David: "I, I don't know. We have to fix this somehow."

Michael: "We do what they have been saying." 

Brandon was making Ritchie's favorite dinner when you slapped them. Michael tuned into Ritchie's mind, it was blank yet very loud. Ritchie finally returned home, carrying groceries. Ritchie spoke as he put them away.

Ritchie: "Greetings. I have brought some groceries. I do apologize for being late a lady needed my help."

Brandon: "Do you want to eat with us?"

Ritchie: "That is not necessary. I do not need food to function therefore it will be a waste if it goes to me."

Michael: "Came on, please?"

Ritchie: "Is that an order Captain?"

David: "Yes it is."

Ritchie: "Very well, I shall accompany you all."

Ritchie sat at the table and didn't start to eat to till the others said he could start.

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