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(They ment David)

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(They ment David)

Brandon: "That would be best."

Brandon put the box up.

Michael: "Not with Ritchie right here. Do you think you can stay in that room and play with your plushies?"

Ritchie: "Alone?"

Brandon: "Not alone. You'll have your toys and the door will be open."

Ritchie slowly nodded his head. Brandon took him onto the next room and kept the door open.

Michael: "Now then. My 'home' was not the best. It was a constant power struggle.  I had to constantly fight and prove to my father that I was strong enough to live. Lady Elizabeth and Sir Melodious found me running from my father's punishment near the border of our world's. Lady Elizabeth grabbed me as Sir Melodious distracted my father, so yea."

David: "Well I'm glad they did. I guess I'll be a lion."

David was turned into a lion. Ritchie was looking at them and got confused when he saw David change. He walked over and toughed on Michael's clothes.

Ritchie: "Wa?"

Ritchie pointed at David.

Michael: "That's David he turned into a lion."

Ritchie's eyes where doing a weird thing, they wouldn't settle on dull or bright. David walked uptown Ritchie and took him by the back of his onesie. He got onto a bed and curled around Ritchie.

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