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David suddenly had Ritchie's clothes on, they were still too small for him, Michael had David's, over sized on him, Brandon had Michael's, small on him too, and Ritchie had Brandon's on

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David suddenly had Ritchie's clothes on, they were still too small for him, Michael had David's, over sized on him, Brandon had Michael's, small on him too, and Ritchie had Brandon's on. Ritchie finally joined the others.

Ritchie: "My don't you all look cute and sexy~What's this about you all getting together?"

Michael: "I already know what else you're going to say and the answer is no. And yes we did get together."

Brandon: "Shush,zzzz."

Brandon hushed Ritchie before he fell asleep on David's chest.

Ritchie: "I'm happy for you all, however you guys need a date and I'm hooking you guys up. My treat~"

Before David and Michael could protest Ritchie lefted.

David: "Why is he doing this? He better not try and join us.. wait shouldn't he be resting?"

Michael: "He seems to be ok now."

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